Only the Good Spy Young

Only the Good Spy Young (Gallagher Girls, #4)by Ally Carter

When Cammie Morgan enrolled at the Gallagher Academy, she knew she was preparing for the dangerous life of a spy. What she didn't realize was that she would have to face off against an ancient terrorist organization dead set on kidnapping her during her junior year. (

With each book in this series I am reminded once again how much I simply ADORE THE GALLAGHER GIRLS! Fo' realz.It's sad that I forget this from year to year. I think it's because I am a year behind in reading the books because I wait for the paperback edition to come out before I buy it. I always forget how many lists and field reports Cammie writes and how much I love each and every one. They never fail to make me giggle.The stories are getting much less fluffy-run-after-a-guy types to more action and mystery as the series progresses. There are many dangers and scary situations that Cammie finds herself a part of. I just looked back over my previous posts for the series and I find that I have been enjoying the books more as they progress. The plot is becoming more serious, in that people's lives are at stake and I like that a lot. (Er, not that people's lives are at stake, I mean. I like that the plots are becoming more serious and complex!)Cammie Morgan remains one of my favourite YA female protagonists as I join her for the crazy missions and situations she finds herself in. She has her weak moments, but mostly, she's a strong 17-year old girl who's just trying to find the truth and make sure those she loves are safe. She happens to do all of this with a kickass sense of humour though and I think that's what makes me love her all the more.Even Cammie's friends; Bex, Morgan, Liz, are so much fun. They each have skills they bring to the group and when the four of them put their minds together, watch out! You'll laugh and be amazed at their brainpower.Extra refreshing is the lack of love triangle. There was a brief flirtation with one back in the first and second books, but there's been silence on that front for the last two books and I have to thank the gods for that! The Gallagher Girl series is a great mystery series that has enjoyable characters and tricky mysteries. The closest I have found to this in recent memory is Kim Harrigton's Clarity series. These are two examples of books I would have devoured as a teen. I loved those re-vamped Nancy Drew Case Files, but Carter and Harrington have created series that just take Nancy Drew to the next level.If you haven't yet checked out this series, I suggest you find yourself a copy of the first book, I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You and get crackin'. This YA series is SO worth it. No paranormal, no love triangle (ok, eventually), lots of action, mystery and sass. What could you not love?What I have not yet tried, myself, is Ally Carter's Heist Society series. I am sort of worried that I won't like it as much, or that I'll constantly be comparing it to the Gallagher Girls, or worse, that it will be exactly LIKE this series, only with thieves. I'm going to remain a big ol' chicken about trying new things in this case and focus on the GG series for now. Perhaps when this is done, and the Heist books are all out in paperback, I'll try them out. Meanwhile, I'm tossing this back to you, Internet - have you read this other series? What say you on the matter?The Gallagher Girls series

  1. I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You
  2. Cross my Heart and Hope to Spy
  3. Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover
  4. Only the Good Spy Young
  5. Out of Sight, Out of Time
  6. TBA - 2013?



A Perfect Blood