Out of Sight, Out of Time
Out of Sight, Out of Time (The Gallagher Girls, #5)by Ally Carter
The last thing Cammie Morgan remembers is leaving the Gallagher Academy to protect her friends and family. But when Cammie wakes up in an alpine convent and discovers months have passed, her memory is a black hole. The only traces left of Cammie’s summer vacation are the bruises on her body and dirt under her nails. All she wants is to go home. But even the Gallagher Academy now holds more questions than answers as Cammie and her friends face their most difficult challenge yet. With only their training and a few clues to guide them, the girls go in search of answers on the other side of the world. But the Circle is hot on their trail and will stop at nothing to prevent Cammie from remembering what she did last summer. (goodreads.com)
I always get this series when the books come out in paperback format, so I'm likely way behind the times here but...OH MY GODS THIS BOOK HAS ALL OF THE FEELS. The emotions! DEAR GODS! I was bawling - BAWLING! - before I even got through the first third of the book. Cammie was just so lost and damaged. I was..just... when she was in the bathroom with the scissors and her friends burst in.. I couldn't hold back. I just cried for what seemed like hours (it was maybe 10 minutes) before I could continue on. The sadness and distress had been building from the first pages, but by golly, it all came to a smashing crescendo by that bathroom scene and I couldn't stop the tears.Out of Sight, Out of Time, wasn't just an emotional roller coaster of sadness and loss, there was also this urgent, thriller of a mystery overlaying the entire mental breakdown. What happened to Cammie? Who can be trusted? Who keeps trying to kill her? Why does she need to die? WHAT IS GOING ON!?This book is so epic with its mystery that I think it's my all-time favourite of the entire Gallagher Girl series. This book has grown up, much like Cammie has since we first met her in the halls of GG Academy in book one. She's a senior now and so much has happened in 5 books.My heart was racing for much of this story and I could not put it down. I was feeling all of the feels while reading GG#5 and I couldn't deal with anything else in life at the same time. The writing is excellent, the story is fantastic, the emotions are so real and vivid.I have said this before but it's worth repeating... this series is AMAZING! I wish this series existed when I was a kid. A school for spies! Danger! Mystery! Romance (in amounts I can stomach)! Not one iota of paranormal stuff, this is just plain ol' mystery and intrigue at its best. A step up from Nancy Drew for those girls who want to have just that little bit MORE to their mysteries as they get older. I cannot wait to share these with my niece when she's a little older and reading more. She's only 6 now, so I have a while to wait - BUT! I will have a complete series to lend her when she gets there. Hooray!I know Ally Carter is writing another series as well, and this one seems to be taking the back burner while the Heist Society books are being written (I have not read them yet - should I?) but I do hope the next Gallagher Girl novel is amazing and soon. I did find a cross-over novella in ebook format and was delighted to see that Kobo had it as a free download (yay!) so I got it. I am pretty excited to read about Macy and see what this Heist Society world is all about. I am a little worried I will compare it too strongly against the GG series so I haven't picked it up yet. I'd appreciate thoughts from my readers if you have read both. Will I love it like this one, do you think?Man, I love this series.The Gallagher Girls series