paper dolls
We are not paper dollsWe are notOne-size-fits-all
We are uniqueWe are flawedWe are beautiful
We are human
We are not cookie-cutter cut outsAll smooth edges and perfect linesWe are not identical,carbon copiesall produced on an assembly line
We are square pegsin round holesWe are dissonant chords
And if we all sangthe same songWe'd be bored before too long
We are harmonyWe are colours of the spectrumWe are prisms of lightWe are scarsWe are battles thatwe've lostand wars we ragesilently inside
We are loudWe scream outWe are not paper dollsWe are collectionsof our fears, of our strengthsof our bravery and our tears
We are not perfectand that's exactly what makes usPerfect.
We are proudWe are enoughWe are worth it
we are worth itwe are worth itwe are humanwe are worth it
© cjhseptember 8, 2013