patterns & decisions
The helpful thing about journaling - whether on paper, or on this blog - is that I can reference patterns in my life. August and September seem to be months where my pain flairs and my mood drops. Pain and depression seem to be thrown at me between these two months. And this is all outside of the March 2013 PTSD issues. I haven't even gotten to November yet, when I seem to have those triggers pop up.BUT... I get tired of being tired, and in pain, and so sad that I feel like I can't breathe. Sure hormones and medication (with/without) can factor into this, but mostly I find that this time of year is hard on my body and mind. And I need to watch out for that, and try and find ways to work through it.I know when things are bothering me, even if I don't think anything is bothering me. I know because all of a sudden I am plagued with an obsession with my hair. It's wrong. It's too long, too short, too pink, too blue, too MUCH. It has to change.Earlier this month, I went to bed exhausted. I was sure I'd fall asleep right away but instead I tossed and turned for an hour. I got up and took my eyebrow piercing out. Went back to bed and fell fast asleep. I didn't know I wanted to do that, or that I was going to do that. I just got up as if on autopilot and removed it. About 6 weeks before I marked the 12th anniversary of having it done.This past week I have gotten up multiple times in the night, autopilot engaged, and cut my hair. A little bit at a time, but still enough to allow myself to fall asleep upon returning to bed. I knew I was going to change the colour soon, but I wasn't sure what I wanted to do yet. But my hair was bothering me. Always noticeable. Always annoying me.Today I cut almost all of my hair off.I bleached it.And I realized... I no longer want to do the Publishing certificate. Five (six?) years ago I had an idea about what I wanted to do to change the situation I was in. I went back to school. I was terrified. I was excited. I knew THEN that was what I wanted to do.And I continued, slowly, through the courses. I had them as a distraction after the trauma. They gave me something to focus all my energy on. They gave me hope that I wouldn't be stuck in the job I was in that wasn't fulfilling me.But then time passed. I got older. Life changed.And now? I have moved on. I'm no longer interested in pursuing this. And yes, I had only two courses left and I'd be done. Thing is if I don't want to do something, if I am 100% sure I do not want to do it? I can't do it. You couldn't pay me to do it. I think I'd end up destroying myself first. (That's a lot harsher than I mean it to be.) I'm like a cat on a leash - I will NOT walk with you, stupid human. I will plant my feet on the ground and you'll have to drag me.And once I came to that realization, that I didn't want to be in school anymore, I felt lighter. My chest felt less constricted. This isn't the only thing I am having issues with right now, there are a couple of other things, but this one thing I can control.So I withdrew from the courses.And I dyed my hair.And part of me feels as though I should feel disappointed in myself because I came so close to finishing something, but stopped. But I am not disappointed. I feel relieved. I feel refreshed. I have literally moved on from this in my head, and forcing myself to continue with something that I don't want to do anymore wasn't going to help anything. I lose nothing from this. I don't want to work in publishing anymore. Not now, anyhow. I gained a whole bunch of knowledge and insight into the book world, and I am happy with that. I am happy that I challenged myself to learn something new.But in the end I got what I, personally, needed from the experience and closed the chapter on that part of my life. I am content.And my hair is short, and I feel like I can breathe a little easier. And I will continue looking at patterns in my moods and behaviours and work on figuring out what they are trying to tell me. And I think I will be happier in life that way.But...maybe I could possibly stop wanting to chop all my hair off right before winter and decide I need to grow it out in the summer? Those are the complete opposite hair-lengths for those seasons! Argh! Me!