Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Titan's Curse
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Titan's Curse (Book 3)by Rick RiordanThings that stuck out for me during my reading of this third book: I missed Tyson, I didn't like Thalia, then Thalia wasn't so bad, I liked Annabeth more, but probably because she wasn't a part of the book as much, I really do not like Gordon (sad because I like satyrs) and I wasn't a fan of the New Kids: Bianca and Nico.Also, I am happy that the author is not afraid to kill off characters. And not only are they killed off but it doesn't become this huge focal point of the story. It happens, you're shocked and then you move on. And they don't just magically reappear later on with a "ha ha, I'm not really dead" exclamation (ok, not always). I like that. It's rare you read kid books that have death and the killing off of characters that you might have grown to like, or not like. It makes me really curious about how this series is going to end (do not spoil things for me in the comments!).Although I did guess at the start of the book something that was supposed to be a Big Reveal at the end, but I wasn't sure if I was going to be right since it seemed a little too obvious. I was right though. Go, me!I adore this series, I really do. I have been having so much fun reading these books and they make me laugh and remember how much I love Greek Mythology. I am still loving the chapter names and that there are 20 chapters per book. I like the flow of the stories and even though I might nit-pick at bits and pieces of the story I still find them entertaining and well written. The more I read the series the less like Harry Potter it's seeming to me. For one, Percy isn't the ONLY one who has to do everything. The challenges faced throughout the stories are often group efforts at solving them and I like that. I mean, why did Harry Potter have to be the ONLY one to go on the quests? The kid wasn't all that fantastic and he got by generally on pure luck. Ron and Hermione played big roles in helping solve the problems, but it was always Harry that had to nearly die to complete the task. (Ok, so I might be a little bitter about how the video games made Harry have to retrieve all the spells so the whole class could learn them, but still!)Sadly, this week has (and last) not been one with much reading - or reviewing - time. Work has been so busy and I have either had appointments or other obligations outside of work that got in the way of my free time. And of course I have a bunch of birthday festivities coming up this weekend which will also cut into my reading time. I'm currently on the 3rd chapter of the 4th book and I hope to get the rest of it read soon - I just have to give up sleep and work for a while!Gosh, I actually finished this book almost a week ago and the start of the review has been in drafts since then. Oops. Luckily I had to stay late at work tonight before my appointment so I took the time to whip this up. Ha!Have you read this series yet? Do you have a favourite character? I'd like to know who it is, leave a comment!Oh! And I did get my husband hooked on these books, though he's not enjoying them the way I am and in fact, he's already picked up and FINISHED the fourth book and is thinking of buying the fifth IN HARD COVER with a gift certificate he hasn't used yet because he doesn't want to wait until the summer to find out how it all ends. HA!Percy Jackson & the Olympians series