Perfect Ruin (Early Review!)

Perfect Ruin (The Internment Chronicles, #1)by Lauren DeStefano

On Internment, the floating island in the clouds where 16-year-old Morgan Stockhour lives, getting too close to the edge can lead to madness. Even though Morgan's older brother, Lex, was a Jumper, Morgan vows never to end up like him. She tries her best not to mind that her life is orderly and boring, and if she ever wonders about the ground, and why it is forbidden, she takes solace in best friend Pen and her betrothed, Basil.Then a murder, the first in a generation, rocks the city. With whispers swirling and fear on the wind, Morgan can no longer stop herself from investigating, especially when she meets Judas. He is the boy being blamed for the murder — betrothed to the victim — but Morgan is convinced of his innocence. Secrets lay at the heart of Internment, but nothing can prepare Morgan for what she will find — or who she will lose. (

Release date: October 1, 2013(No spoilers. But read at your own risk.)This book doesn't come out for two months but I couldn't help myself and read it early. I have been struggling horribly with reading lately and when this ARC arrived  on my doorstep (this time I knew it was coming) I picked it up with a mixed feeling of dread and anticipation.You see, I absotively adored Lauren DeStefano's Chemical Garden trilogy and discovered that series thanks to Simon & Schuster Canada when a surprise ARC of the first book showed up one day. Since then I devoured each and every book in that series and lamented the year-long waits between instalments.So when I saw that there was a new series by this author about to be published I jumped up and down and waved my hand frantically and danced excitedly about the possibilities that could come from a new series by an author I had grown to love.But of course the fear of not loving a new series by an author you already love from another series is always LOOMING overhead as you fret over opening the book to the first page. What if it's horrible? What if it's exactly like the previous series and completely unoriginal. What if it's sheer drivel?What if...? What if...?! OMG WHAT IF...!??!But you know what? All my fears were laid to rest pretty quickly as I read. I admit, I wasn't certain right off the bat. I had to get my head around this new world and its rules and mythology but it became quickly apparent that this was a book that I was going to be able to finish in a normal amount of time (for me; therefore a few hours) and I wasn't going to toss it aside with a big, dramatic sigh and wish that the world would just offer me some originality!Lauren DeStefano delivers with originality. And awesome world-building. And wonderfully likable characters. (There is totally a word for that that I can't think of. Sympathetic characters? Empathetic characters? Something better than "likable" anyhow. That is way too bland a word for what I mean.)I was in awe of the world in the Chemical Garden trilogy and I am yet again in awe of the world in the Internment Chronicles. I enjoyed Morgan as a protagonist and I extremely enjoyed her voice in the novel.One of the aspects of the book I loved the most was the relationship between Pen and Thomas. I don't know why, but they were such a delight to read. Their banter, dialogue, interaction, everything. I loved them dearly in this story. They were such an enjoyable bonus to an already stellar story. I was always smiling when I would read their dialogue. Always.Although I didn't have the same amount of terror and anxiety while reading this book as I did with DeStefano's first series, I found that she can really create a wonderfully, creepy and deep dystopian world. Her imagination is astounding and her ability to capture these ideas and put them down in words so well-crafted that I can visualize everything in such great detail is just...breathtaking.My only negative comment about this series is that I read the book two months before it's due to be published and now I have to wait even longer for the next book to come out. Likely, it's not even written yet. It doesn't even have a title on Goodreads and - OMG! Goodreads lists it as due out in 2015.TWENTY FIFTEEN.That's not even next year. *flails*I will have to survive with other epic books like the final book in Veronica Roth's Divergent trilogy and the third book in Marissa Meyer's Lunar Chronicles. It'll be hard, but I'll do my best to make it through the rough days ahead.And BONUS points to Lauren DeStefano (and/or the publisher?) for creating not one, but TWO series that have names other than that of the first book.The Internment Chronicles

  1. Perfect Ruin
  2. TBA - 2015???
  3. TBA - ??

The Bone Season


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