Poison Study
Poison Studyby Maria V. SnyderHow excited I was to finally enjoy reading again. I was completely immersed in this story once I sat down and gave it a chance to enchant me. The reading slump I have been in since the fall isn't quite gone and I am having trouble staying focused on pretty much everything these days. So it took me a couple of days before I truly got into the book - not because it wasn't great, because it is! But I had been sick so I took the book into the bathroom with me while I sat there with the bathtub running with hot water trying to clear my head and body. I would read about a chapter at a time and then just leave it there while I shuffled miserably to my bed or the couch. But when I finally picked it up one night before bed I was on chapter 8 and suddenly the book was finished and it was past midnight. That went FAST. It has been a long time since I have found an adult fantasy novel that really enchanted me. The entire story was like a beautiful painting come to life.After a year in the dungeon for murder, Yelena is offered a choice - her immediate execution or accepting the position of food taster for the Commander of Ixia. Death is in both pictures, though the execution would be much faster and as food taster she would live in her own room, eat meals, be clothed and she could potentially escape death altogether depending on her luck. Thus began her training with Valek who schooled her in all things poison, learning to smell them, taste them and make sure the Commander's food is safe for him to eat. In order to keep her from trying to escape Yelena is poisoned by Valek with a deadly substance called Butterfly's Dust and for her to stay alive she must return to him each day so that he might administer the antidote. Missing one day would result in a cruel and painful death. Trouble finds Yelena at every turn however and those who would prefer her death for the murder she committed are still trying to kill her on their own, as well rebels are plotting to take over Ixia and suddenly Yelena develops a magical power that she can't control. Not to mention anyone found with magic in Ixia is sentenced to execution. Yelena must fight for her life on a daily basis and though she starts off alone she earns the trust and friendship of a few who help her survive.Only a very good book will keep me up past my normal bed time. Generally I can stop reading when exhaustion over-takes me and I finish up the next day. But I could not put this book down once I truly gave it time. I was so happy that I had bought the second book as well because I just could not imagine not reading more. The story is well crafted, well written and the characters are spectacular. I loved Yelena and how she handled the problems that faced her. She's smart and crafty and at times sarcastic. The friendships she forms along her journey are not planned and yet they are strong and true. She wins people over with her loyalty and truth. Ari and Janco, two of the Commanders soldiers earned promotions due to her honesty and they take her under their wing and teach her self defence and some of my favourite scenes in the book are with them.There's a quote from Publisher's Weekly on the cover of this book that states "This is one of those books that will keep readers dreaming long after they've read it." And I swear that is right on the money. I have had this story on my brain since I started reading. Two books down and I am ready for more.I started Magic Study the following day and have finished it as well. Look for that review in a day or so. I even scoured the city to find Fire Study with the same cover art as the first two books. Since they seem to be reprinting them with different covers right now they are hard to find. But I found one store downtown that had 3 copies in stock and I phoned them right away to put one aside from me. I don't like when my series don't match. I think these covers are beautiful and am so thrilled that I have them in my book collection now.