purple ballet flats - part of a balanced breakfast

This morning I decided to make myself some Cream of Brown Rice (like Cream of Wheat, but, you know, gluten-free and all that). As I was stirring the hot water into the cereal I managed to send a stream of it flying. I thought it only went on the stove and dish towel, until I happened to look at my shoes while waiting for the bus. Turns out I also splotched it on my left shoe. My shoes are a satiny purple, so it shows up pretty easily. Ugh.Then, as I was almost at work, I thought I'd stop in Starbucks for a coffee. Things were going well until I was at the counter getting a lid when the guy behind me spilled his coffee all over the floor and... my right leg and SHOE.So I have cereal on my left shoe and coffee on my right. Turns out I didn't even have to ingest anything for breakfast this morning, because my shoes were taking care of that for me.________________In other non-covered in food news, I think I am technologied out. Starting back to work this week after vacation, I just feel like I need to clear my head and step back from things. I don't feel like doing the Instagram photo a day anymore and the thought of logging in to my blog, facebook or twitter just makes me feel sad. Not sure if I'll continue much of Blogust and I have not posted anything on FB for a while - aside from the random comment on a photo here or there, or my outrage over the stupidity of the political parties in my province right now.I'm just... my head is too full of noise and I need some quiet. So I have been taking an impromptu break from technology. Have to say, I don't really miss FB much at all, and twitter.. well... I just check it to see if any of my friends are saying anything fun. Oh, and news headlines.I'm just so tired lately. Meh.


Biting Cold


The Wishing Spell