Rambling Reader: 10 Middle Grade Books to Read This Summer - Syndicated on BlogHer!

Syndicated on BlogHer.com

Something very exciting happened to me this week! I have an official BlogHer Original post up over at, well, BlogHer.com! I wrote an article about 10 Middle Grade books that would be great summer reads for both kids and adults!Here's a snippet of the article, you can follow the link above to read it all!

I don’t know about you, but there’s nothing I love more than letting my imagination run wild while I enjoy glorious summer days and evenings. There are tons of great books out there, but for some reason I still feel like my perfect summer read is an amazing Middle Grade book. All I know is that there’s something about summer that inevitably draws my attention to the Middle Grade shelf at home, in the store or the library. Here are 10 of my favourite MG reads to help you make your own summer magical!

And if you're wondering what books I suggested, take a gander at these titles!





 If you're a MG fan and you haven't read any of these titles yet - go check out the post and then check out these titles! You will not be disappointed. ;) 


Shadow and Bone

