Rambling Reader: Banned Books & To Kill a Mockingbird

Oh, Internet, I don't normally do this sort of thing, but something felt right about doing it. So, in response to my Monkey's question about banned books, To Kill a Mockingbird to be specific, I made a video. You see, I have very little patience lately. There have been many, many things in my life over the past couple of years that have eaten away at whatever patience I used to have, so when something stupid happens, I just can't keep my mouth shut anymore. Having (finally) read Harper Lee's classic novel last year and finding it a brilliant piece of literature (if not a little confusing at times), I hate the thought of anyone banning this book just because they don't want to deal with the past and the mistakes that society made.If you don't already know (i.e. haven't noticed that you're being hit over the head with all things Banned Book on every blog) it's Banned Books Week this week. It's a good time to sit down, look at the lists of challenged and banned books and think "WTF?" (and also realize how poorly read you are of all the classic novels out there. Oops. *sheepish look*)On that note... here's my video. I tried to keep it short, but I just don't have the ability to shut up. So it's a little long (I even edited out a whole part! I didn't talk about the fifth book on my list, as you'll see.). I tried to edit it entertainingly, so maybe that will, er, entertain you enough to stick around for all 8 minutes and 41 seconds.

FYI... the fifth book was Call of the Wild and I said some pretty funny things. Oh, well.


The Lunatic's Curse


The Apothecary