Rambling Reader: Favourite Books By Decade

So, I didn't buy any books this week. I know, I'm shocked too! In fact I was even in my local store for over 20 minutes one day this week and I walked out with nothing!! You can tell I am really unwell when that happens. But enough about me and my health issues... I wanted to post something this weekend since I also won't have an IMM post on Sunday and I just can't get into writing my review of L.J. Smith's Dark Visions (which I enjoyed immensely!), so instead, I bring you my favourite books by decade of my life.Books have been a huge part of my life since I was born and I still think of my favourite books often. Here we go:AGE 0 - 10

  • Goodnight Moon - Margaret Wise Brown
  • Are You My Mother? - P.D. Eastman

I used to have to have Goodnight Moon read to me on a nightly basis. I couldn't sleep unless I heard it. My favourite part was "Goodnight, mush." I loved that page. I have no idea why, but I did. It was just a bowl of mush on the page, but it was important enough to say goodnight to. I loved it. And Are You My Mother? Well. That poor little bird was so lost and I used to get so anxious while this story was being read to me, yes, each and every time. I just wanted him to be all safe with his Mummy. Favourite part of this book? The SNORT! *snicker* I loved that page even though I was also very scared of the tractor thing in the photo.

AGE 10 - 20

  • Thirteen - Candice F. Ransom
  • The Secret Circle Vols. 1-3 - L.J. Smith

I wasn't quite 13 yet I don't think when I first read Thirteen. But only a few pages in and I remember being in tears. The main character's life and all the picking on and bad luck she had rang so many bells with me that I felt like I was her. Also, the girl on the cover sort of looked like I did at the time. I think this book is the main reason I don't like real life YA books, they hit too close to home. I still reread this one on occasion though, when I need a good cry. ;) And of course, I discovered L.J. Smith when I was a teen and her books had JUST come out. I still own my original copies (seen in that photo) and I reread them almost every summer. Didn't get to them this year though, I don't think it was summery enough! These four books shaped my teen years.

AGE 20 - 30

  • Polgara the Sorceress - David & Leigh Eddings
  • The Witches of Eileanan (entire series) - Kate Forsyth
  • The Snow Falcon - Stuart Harrison

These books all came out while I held my retail bookstore job. Each one captured me so entirely that I have read them over and over. Until I discovered these books, the only series I reread was the Secret Circle. I discovered so many new and fantastic books in my 20s due to my bookstore job but these remain the 3 I instantly recommend to others when they are looking for something to read. The Snow Falcon is not Fantasy and is the first time I really truly liked just a plain ol' fiction book. Oh! And add Quite a Year for Plums by Bailey White and HARRY POTTER to that list as well!

AGE The Early 30s (hey, I'm only 33!)

Since I have started this book blog and reading other book blogs I have discovered so many books I never would have found on my own now that I no longer work in a book-related field. I am having trouble pinning down just one or two major favourite ones for this decade and since I have a loooong way to go, well, I don't want to really commit to anything. From Diane Setterfield's The Thirteenth Tale to Elizabeth Cody Kimmel's Suddenly Supernatural series to discovering Maria V. Snyder this year to Sarah Addison Allen's Garden Spells. I have read such wonderful, exquisite novels. Sisters of Misery by Megan Kelley Hall and The 13 Treasures by Michelle Harrison! Oh! And Melissa Walker's Violet series! These are all books that I point out to people in stores when I over hear them wondering what to read - and I don't even WORK in the store anymore! (Well, except for Megan's books because they still don't seem to have reached Canadian shelves yet. Boo! Hiss!)

But really, it's those early years. The ones where we discover who we are and what we like that books generally stand out. And I'm curious - what books do you recall having an impact on you when you were younger? Do you have favourites by decade as well? Let me know in the comments!


Lucky number 13!


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