Rambling Reader: Radio Silence
Well, golly. I haven't had a post yet this month!I have not even yet finished a book this month. I am still reading the second book in the Witches of Eileanan series and though I am about 100 pages from the end, I don't know when it will be done. I have had little to no time to read and when I have had time I was so sick I slept more than I read.I could blame this lull on my emotional explosion from reading Plain Kate, but it's not only that. Just this week I have only been home at a regular time ONE night after work. I have started (insanely) taking Highland Dance classes on Monday evenings, so I don't get home until 8PM, where I sit and eat some dinner, down a bottle of advil, watch Chuck and then take a 45 minute scalding hot bath (where I read for some of it) to try and lessen the pain. (The Scottish are an evil people I tell you!). Monday nights are out for long-term reading. I'm generally too exhausted from my work day and the dance class to stay awake long enough to drain the bathwater, let alone read more than a handful of pages.Tuesday I was home regular time, I did read for a nice long while, until my eyes started to close on me at 8:30 PM! I am such a granny.Yesterday I had a BodyTalk appointment so I stayed late at work and left from there, only getting home at 9PM where I downed a McDonald's cheeseburger (do not judge) and then fell asleep.Tonight I have a Council meeting at work where I am the lucky minute taker and this meeting will go until about an hour after I normally finish work and after all the rush hour buses so I'll be home close to 7-7:30 if I am lucky. I cannot read on the bus without getting serious motion sickness. :( Once I get home, I will eat, shower and fall asleep.Tomorrow is Friday... tomorrow I will head to the grocery store after work and pick up the veggies that I need to cook for Thanksgiving dinner on the weekend. But I should at least be finished work at my normal 5PM time.Saturday I will be cleaning the house for the family dinner on Sunday. Parents, Sister, Brother-in-law, niece, In-Laws and In-laws' dog are all coming over for dinner Sunday. I don't think we've cleaned the house in a loooong time so it needs to be done. ;)Sunday - family and turkey. Yum.Monday - sleeping off the turkey.I am actually hoping to get some reading in this weekend. Specifically, The Distant Hours by Kate Morton, which I received from Simon & Schuster for review. It's a very hefty book and I won't be able to lug it back and forth to work. So it's a long-weekend book. Plus I'll be receiving final copies of the book in November for a give-away! I want to have the book read before then. ;)I have stolen moments here and there to read The Pool of Two Moons though it's longest it has ever taken me to finish this book. Normally I devour it in hours.Sadly, I seem to have a lack of hours in my life these days!