Santa done good, yo! (aka In My Mailbox #2)

You gotta love gift cards, and sales and husbands who let you mooch in on their gift cards as well. All these books - NINE of them! - for only $1.91! Hoohaw! Our total savings was almost $45 which technically means my books were free. Hee.There is something comforting about walking around a bookstore with so many books in your arms an employee give you a bag to carry them in to make it easier. Amusingly, I knew the employee too. A couple of the books I had written down from my amazon list I didn't end up getting because one I didn't realize was in hard cover (Madapple by Christina Meldrum) and one that I thought was in mass market format, but was actually in trade (The High King's Tomb by Kristen Britain). I was trying to get the best out of my gift card, and those two books would have used up most of it before I blinked!However, I was just so happy to finally find Madapple in the store, since I have been looking for it since I first read the review on Harmony Book Reviews back in July. I guess I was so focused on trying to find it that I never paid attention to the fact it was only out in hard cover. Oops. I did the same thing with Justine Larbalestier's How to Ditch Your Fairy. When the release date came I headed to the store only to find it was too pricey for my blood.I am very happy to have knocked off 5 books from my wishlist though. Since I wasn't getting the Kristen Britain book I deviated from my list to pick up the second Mercy Thompson book Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs. I just need to convince my father that he wants me to keep the first book in that series, which he lent me.Also, I wasn't going to buy BOTH Poison Study and Magic Study, but the store had one copy of each left in stock and since they are repackaging it to sell as Young Adult, I wanted to snag the original covers before they were returned to the publisher. I much prefer these covers to the new ones.So, now I have six new books to add to my TBR pile, only I actually feel like reading these days, so I am hoping that they'll not hang around too long without being read. As well since I'll be flying in a couple of weeks I'll need something to keep my mind off of the fact that I could crash and die at any time. (I might perhaps have a slight fear of flying...)[Note: Those DnD books are not mine, they belong to my wonderful gift certificate-sharing husband. Of course, just the three of them alone would have wiped out 3/4 of our gift certificate total! Because of the sale and our combination, it worked out much better!][And I am SO cheating on this post to participate in the In My Mailbox thingy that the Story Siren started. Since she posted about  her book purchases this week, I thought I would play along too!]


How I Found the Perfect Dress


nothing like a little mania to start your year