Slated (Book 1)by Teri Terry
Kyla’s memory has been erased,her personality wiped blank,her memories lost for ever.She’s been Slated.The government claims she was a terrorist, and that they are giving her a second chance - as long as she plays by their rules. But echoes of the past whisper in Kyla’s mind. Someone is lying to her, and nothing is as it seems. Who can she trust in her search for the truth? (
I have five books to wrote about this month and only three days left in May. Let's see if I can do this!An ARC of Slated made its way to me via gift from a friend and although it's been sitting on one of my many TBR piles, I hadn't been reading enough to get to it. Little did I know when I picked this book up that I would devour it whole in one sitting.Seriously. I love the entire concept of having a little watch-type thing on your wrist that monitors your moods so that if you get too low on the scale you get zapped unconscious and you're entire memory is erased and you have to start over.And when I say I love this concept, I of course mean that it terrifies me because, well, creepy, but also because until this book I have never read anything like this idea before. Maybe it's not new, but to me it is and I was so happily refreshed by original ideas when I read this novel.Not to mention I thought Kyla was cool. And, yes, of course, she's different than the rest of the Slated, but you know what? Whatever. I liked her. A lot. I loved her love of art and I love how she's not reacting the same as all the other Slateds and well, the mystery behind why was interesting enough to keep me turning the pages.What I was disappointed by (and only a little) was that the Big Kyla Reveal doesn't exactly happy when I want it to and because the book was so gripping, as soon as I was finished the last page, I was on Book Depository buying the sequel. And as I was about to hit the check out and pay button, I asked my husband if he'd mind if I bought a book (I am a good wife, really!) since we're totally not supposed to be spending money on things that aren't technically important.(Yes books are important, but I do think that our mortgage and utility companies and our need for food might all feel they are slightly more important than books. Especially when I still have an embarrassingly high number of them that I have not yet read. *cough*)I suppose this book is dystopian, but kind of felt like it was a little more science-fictiony what with the erasing of people's memories - so much so that you start out as a newborn again (mentally) and you have to relearn everything from walking to talking to potty training. So I am categorizing it as sci-fi. I don't like books that confuse me as to where they should fit into genres. I mean, I like the books, just not the anxiety I suffer trying to classify them. And yes, I suffer anxiety over things like that. Shush.Bottom line - I loved this book and I cannot wait for the sequel to show up on my doorstep in the next couple of days. Wheeee!Slated series
- Slated
- Fractured
- Untitled - 2014