so, here's that thing, right? the one everyone has been doing? so, yeah, here it is
Various friends have been doing this and I actually thought it was a neat idea. But I thought I might mix it up a little and not only post the first sentence of the first post of each month [I think that's the rule, right?] but if something happened that month, I would list it as well. A LOT has happened to me this past year, so I figure, hey! why not?January (79 posts) : it’s now January 1st here in Montreal.[wow, I'm full of excitement, I can just see where this post is going!]
- dogs got incredibly sick on a treat and threw up and crapped all over the apartment. Had to take them to the vet and have them rehydtrated.
- turned 30 on January 23
- had a week off from work
February (40 posts) : I would like them to stop.[in reference to nightmares]
- Jinx turned 1 on Febuary 28
- applied for a new job at the end of February
March (20 posts) : Take me Out - Franz Ferdinand[I am in awe of how thrilling I am... I need to start writing better posts on the first of the month!]
- Annie turned 8 on March 7
- Shawn turned 29 on March 15
- after interviews and tests all month, found out I got the new job on March 24
- March 27 our apartment burns down
April (27 posts) : Noone ever really talks about the aftermath of a tragedy.
- started my new job on April 10
- bought my purple guitar
May (26 posts) : Halooooooo, everybody!!!![a post written by Jinx himself]
- Jinx was "tutored"
[wow, I'm dull]June (26 posts) : First I thought, maybe I won’t post today because I don’t feel like it.
- had my first mammogram (in preparation for the reduction surgery)
- er...nothing else of note, really.
July (40 posts) : I appear to have randomly lost 6 lbs.[and that's BEFORE the surgery!]
- first year wedding anniversary on July 2
- breast reduction surgery on July 7
- Chelsea moves back to BC on July 18
- went to Just for Laughs Comedy Gala with Shawn
August (35 posts) : I have two She-Ra songs in my head.[how's that for random, eh?]
- got a cute Tinker Bell hat from Cindy-Lou
- got to see my cousin Sheryl who was in town for a wedding
- Shawn was working 50 billion hours a week and I hardly ever saw him
- allure of living with in-laws wearing off and QUICKLY
September (25 posts) : I really should have little notes that I carry around with me all the time.
- found out through phone call from former neighbour that our landlord was planning on moving into OUR apartment
- confirmed with rat bastard landlord that he changed the construction of the building and now we had nowhere to live
- through various dealings with rental board and rat bastard landlord found out he gets away with it and we get nothing
- ended up getting three months rent
- had a weekend away with Shawn and went to Upper Canada Village
- came back sick as dogs with possible Plague of Yore
- Shawn still working 50 billion hours a week
- very tired of father-in-law
- VERY emotional month... more so than the fire.
October (20 posts) : 10AM and I’m here at the computer in my jammies, having just gotten out of bed moments ago.[should I have posted the first line of the lyric in block quotes on this post? Meh, I'm just going with what I wrote]
- aside from the drama and anxiety surrounding the apartment fight with rat-bastard landlord nothing much
- we were SUPPOSED to move back to the apartment mid-October
- found out insurance screwed us over too and were told we had to get all our things out of storage by the end of the month - when did I find this out? TWO DAYS before October 31 (we ended up making a deal and got the stuff in November)
- started getting sicker since September, now it was starting to concern me
November (27 posts) : Why do people find it funny to automatically say “you’re pregnant!” whenever you’re not feeling well?[That will teach them! Turns out it's a mystery liver ailment, take that! stupid non-funny people!]
- ended up in hospital after illness got worse and I was throwing up water for 4 days.
- sent home and told "it's a virus" only to find out almost 2.5 weeks later I have a "liver problem" and now must wait until Emergency Appointment on January 10, 2007 to find out more
- finally had my first week of vacation since JANUARY and spent the week with Shawn
- also picked up all our belongings from insurance warehouse and brought it back to in-laws to stay in their guest rooms on November 24
- dentist appointment during week proves No Cavity Record still stands - 30 years, people!
December (27 posts...and counting) : It’s been a while since I have posted dog photos, or since I even took any for that matter.
- work becomes so stressful that I seriously think about quitting after almost breaking down in Big Boss' office
- celebrated first Christmas ever without snow
- got to see Marcel! (December 22)
- got to see Jill! (December 26)
- bought our new bed (to be delivered when we have a new home) and got free PURPLE sheets and a pink Serta sheep :)
- realization that I am boring as all get out and need to write more exciting things in 2007!! :)