Beyond Elsewhere

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space filler

YoshiBear in the windowI have had nothing to write about. Nothing that I feel is worthy about posting online, anyhow. I suppose I could post little bits and bobs of posts from my phone, but I just don't like blogging by phone.I feel bad though, because I love having this blog, and I love (or I used to love) blogging. I am not sure what's up with me and blogging these days, but I'm not neglecting it on purpose.I think perhaps my perspective on what to write about has changed over the years. Sometimes you have such a run of bad news, and negativity, that you step back from sharing things with the entire world (aka, Internet). Once the clouds clear away, you're stuck in the non-sharing mode and it's apparently difficult to get back into the swing of things.I could blog about how Yoshi turns down my sheets almost every night about bed. (I will - I just need to edit the photos so I can upload them.)I could blog about how I came home from work early last week and discovered that Shawn had made the house magical, and sparkly by putting up out-door lights. And when I walked into the house, he had also put up other Christmas decorations, and it just made my bad day seem so far away because...WHIMSY! (Again, I have to edit photos.)I could blog about how the course I am taking this semester - Intro to Book Design - is taking up SO MUCH of my time, but OMG am I ADORING the course. I am currently making a travel guide to Disney World. But using InDesign is time consuming, and I just don't HAVE much free time until this course is over.I'm also knitting again. I'm working on a scarf for a friend, though Yoshi is quite concerned about his own lack of scarf. The one I started for another friend months ago, was finally finished. Yoshi was thrilled, until I washed it and wouldn't let him near it. He wanted it for himself. For some reason he likes wearing scarves. Perhaps I'll make him one for Christmas.I just don't know what to write about anymore. I don't want this to become a dog-blog, because I'm more than just a person who talks about her dogs (shush. It's true! Although my instagram feed sort of makes it look like I only discuss Yoshi.)Anything you folk(s) want to read about? So far I know my Mum reads my blog... I hope some others still do. ;) Leave a comment if you want me to write about something. That might help me get back into the groove of things.Meanwhile, I leave you with that lovely above photo of Yoshi. Since Shawn put up the lights, I get a lovely, sparkly YoshiBear in the window when I come home from work. It's the most heart-warming thing EVER!