Beyond Elsewhere

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stupid things

As we all know, especially at this time of year, money isn't important. We don't need it. We can live without it. Mortgage companies don't mind if you don't pay them, nor do car dealerships, or credit card companies. You can always just steal your Christmas gifts for others, that's ok. It's what people want.Wait.. what? You mean, it's not? Well, gee! Someone had better explain that to the morons who make up my union and voted for a strike mandate AT CHRISTMAS TIME. And what is it over you might ask? Well, a huge thing. A WHOPPING 1% difference! Because we all know that extra $12 I would get a month is worth going weeks and months without pay. Due to the idiocy of the vote results it is likely that our employer might be locking us out over the holidays. That means no strike pay even. Not that the pitiful amount I would get for standing outside in the freezing cold for something I don't believe in would make much of a difference. I would rather go get myself a happy part-time Christmas job at Coles bookstore and work indoors at minimum wage because the difference for 4 hours of "work" would be $6. Woo. But I would be INDOORS and HAPPY.So there is a very huge cloud of uncertainty hanging over us right now. They are still randomly laying people off at Shawn's place, and though we're sure they're just doing it to give him everyone's job until he's the last man standing, I can just see how if I am suddenly locked out without pay (or health insurance, thank you very much) he'll be let go. Just watch.Then I also find out the stupidity virus is actually more of a plague because apparently my grandmother was just told earlier in the week she had to be out of her room at the senior's home before Christmas. Seriously, WTF? And I am not a huge chat speak acronym person generally, but WTF?? The place was bought by some new person who "claims" faulty wiring, so everyone has to be out, and hopefully moved into one of their other two residences before Christmas. The suspicion bells are ringing here because that place was JUST RENOVATED prior to my grandmother moving in. It was all newly done. That's why it was empty, because they had moved people out to fix it all up before the summer. So I am sure this new person is just trying to make a fast buck, move these poor elderly people out who need medical attention and what not, to fill up the other two places so they can sell this one.All these things should not happen at all, but they especially SHOULD NOT HAPPEN BEFORE CHRISTMAS. What the hell is wrong with people these days? Why is everyone so bloody greedy and self-centered that they can't think about others for one second. You know at work, there are 25% of employees at the top of their salary scale and they would not have had the same increase as those of us who aren't. You know, the ones who would some day LIKE to reach the top? (Which isn't very high in the first place.) That does leave 75% of us who aren't who NEED the money. Most people I have spoken to can't afford to LIVE if we don't get paid for more than a day. But apparently those people didn't show up to vote. Because 500 out of 700 who votes are complete stupid morons who obviously have other means of money because they thought it would be worth it to fight for ONE FUCKING PERCENT DIFFERENCE.I hope one of those idiots will be paying my bills. Because I am sending them all to my union executive who can't negotiate their way out of a paper bag and lie to us through their teeth.Bastards.Also? I am out of Whoppers. I had this entire Christmassy milk-carton thing full of them all week and they were finished this morning. I am now cranky. But it was too early to break out the wine. ;)Oh, and we might get our tree today. I still don't know if I want to though.