summer movies

I don't know why I get so excited about summertime movies, because we're not really huge movie-goers. The last few years though have had a bunch of exciting movies come out between May and July and this year is no exception. Only thing is that I didn't realize movies I wanted to see were coming out this summer so, here's a list of what I (we) want to see.

  • Iron Man 3 - saw that this weekend. It was SO much better than the horror that Iron Man 2 was. RDjr did an amazing job of making Tony Stark likable this time around. - MAY
  • Star Trek 2 (Into Darkness) - MAY
  • EPIC - MAY
  • Much Ado About Nothing - JUNE
  • Man of Steel - JUNE
  • The Wolverine - JULY

And these are my MAYBE movies:

  • Monsters University - JUNE
  • Mortal Instruments - City of Bones - AUGUST (maybe)

All through the previews before Iron Man 3 all I could think was.... man, it's depressing not having any sort of preview/teaser for a new Harry Potter movie.Seriously. Am I the only one who feels that way? Who longs for those first few notes of the Harry Potter music to start against a dark screen and then... MAGIC OH MY GOD IT'S HARRY POTTER! and all of the FEELS!I miss Harry Potter movie previews. Sigh.Are there any other movies I should be looking out for this summer? I'm letting Shawn see World War Z on his own since I can't do zombie movies... but even the previews before the movie (aside from Thor in November!) were unforgettable and uninteresting (Lone Ranger just looks BAD.) Let me know what you're looking forward to the most this summer in movies!




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