The Devil Inside

The Devl Inside by Jenna BlackThe Devil Insideby Jenna BlackI knew I was in for a rough ride when by page 24 there was graphic sexual content for no particular reason. Now I know I am a big prude, but I can handle the occasional sex scene in a book, though I don't always see what the point of all that is. But generally it's done tastefully, or artistically, or you know, subtly... but this? This was in-your-face-hey-look-at-ME sex. Not even all that artfully written. The entire book was like this, with the occasional plot reference thrown in.I honestly felt like I was reading bad fan fiction (yes, I have been there done that). There was sex - graphic sex - thrown in there for no reason. One of the punishments that our heroine, Morgan, had to endure? Watching two men (one of whom was possessed by a demon) have S&M sex in front of a window in a room while others in the club watched. Um, yeah. No thank you.Not to mention the scene where Morgan is in a guest room, way too close to the demon's bedroom and listens to him and his lover go at it and gets all hot and bothered herself and has to take care of matters.Ew.I can't even classify this as erotica because it was just horribly done. I was telling my husband how bad this book was and how you couldn't read three pages without falling into the middle of some graphic scene and as a joke he randomly opened the book to a couple of pages and I SWEAR 3 out of 4 times he found bad porn.But this wasn't even the PLOT of the story! Oh, no! The plot is what captured my attention as I read the back of the book. Morgan is an exorcist and she gets possessed herself. In this book there is legal demon possession, many of the legal human hosts become firefighters or policemen, etc because their demon inhabitant makes them strong and rather indestructible. But there are also illegal possessions and that is what Morgan is employed to take care of.One night she was drugged and then possessed without her knowledge, but for some reason her mortal self was stronger than the demon possessing her and he had a hard time breaking through to let her know he was there.Of course she was all hot and horny for this demon guy inside her. As well as her demon boss-slash-nemesis and his lover and her boyfriend and... heck, the lamp post too for all I know. The woman was a walking horn dog. I suppose she was in heat or something.There was promise to this story, but it was quickly squashed by some S&M spanking paddle. I had originally wanted to get the second book in the series to see how the plot would progress, but it has vanished from my wishlist because I don't think I could stomach another 200 pages of porn and 100 pages of plot.And I can garentee you my husband and I will never look at maple syrup the same again.Ew.


Morganville Vampire Series - Books 1 - 4


The Touch of Twilight: The Third Sign of the Zodiac