Beyond Elsewhere

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the hype is nothing more than hoo-ha so

I am so tired and my head is spinning. I hate when I have a late night and then have to wake up really early... or at least wake up with the alarm clock. I am so dizzy I can hardly stand up. I think it has something to do with my blood pressure, but I am not sure. I have low blood pressure anyhow and when it drops I get dizzy. It always happens when I get little to no sleep.

The concert last night was pretty cool. My problem with Jason Mraz is that he's got these great upbeat songs and then there are the songs I generally skip when I am listening to the albums... slow and I find them boring. It was awesome to hear him live though and watch him perform. That made the slow boring songs a little more bearable for me. I was tired, it was hard to get into the slow songs. Sue me.

There were two opening acts. The first one was a group called Carbon Leaf... the first song they played I so totally adored! It was called What About Everything. I thought they were a Canadian band since the lead singer sounded sort of like he was from the Maritimes. They are actually from Richmond, Virginia (where my parents are now.. or at least they will be at some point in the next week). They kind of sound like a mix of Spirit of the West, Great Big Sea and REM. I really loved the lead singer's voice and the lyrics were cool, too. I was glad that I enjoyed the first act, I was sure I was going to hate them.

The second opening act was a guy named Raul Midon. Now this guy wowed me.  He is probably one of the most amazing guitar players I have EVER seen. It was just him and his guitar and he sounded like an entire band... including a horn section!  his songs were weak lyric-wise.. and well...I thought they were boring as hell. But it was just so amazing to watch him play that guitar. Fast fact about Raul Midon.. he's blind. :) Boy can he make music! His voice was really good too. I just thought his lyrics could use some... improvement... or you know... more than one line over and over again. ;) It was hard to stay awake, I kept hoping maybe he was on his last song but then he's keep going.

So.... Jason Mraz came on. He opened the show with, um, crap. I can't remember. My mind has gone totally blank. It was something I wasn't expecting, it's not one of the really upbeat songs, but it was still peppy. He looked cute. How's that? Even the mellow, slower songs were really well done. He's got an amazing band backing him up. Jason Mraz is full of energy and so funny and really works the crowd - or at least he really works the front row skanks who are all "oooooh JASON! I wanna have your baby!" Geez. It's not like he's a Backstreet Boy or something. Those girls really bugged me.

What I found odd was that he never played the song Wordplay. Odd considering it's a current single from the new album. I have never, in my life, been to a concert where the artist doesn't play the current single. I thought it would have been a part of the encore but no. The encore was Plane and then Geek in the Pink (which I adore... hee! hoo-ha!) and then... house lights! Goodnight! Where was Wordplay? Come on! I only know the words to the UPBEAT songs!! No fair!

Then it was a little after eleven and we were walking back to the car. I went to bed when we got home and Shawn stayed up a little while longer. Then all too soon, it was six in the morning. Blech. But I am glad I went. I really am.