The Nancy Drew Case Files #66
The Nancy Drew Case Files #66 - Tall, Dark and Deadlyby Carolyn KeeneYou know how sometimes you just can't get into anything? You can't read. You can't play a video game. You don't want to watch a movie and you don't have cable, but even if you did you wouldn't want to watch anything anyhow? Well, that was me over the weekend. The weather was absolute depression in a bottle and I was just so out of it. Home and work stress played a part, but also, I'm solar powered. I hate the heat, but I NEED the sunshine. I fall asleep almost as soon as the sun sets and I am just a moody blob on the couch when the sun has been behind clouds for as long as it has been.So I picked up one of the 8 or so Nancy Drew books I picked up for a dollar (TOTAL) back in December at a bazzar. I used to collect the Case Files back in the early 1990s and I felt all nostalgic when I saw them on the library sale table and I thought, "Self, maybe you need a fun Nancy Drew-type mystery to entertain yourself, rather than sit her and contemplate the various ways you could kill yourself through rain clouds."I did just that. Picked up the first book in the order I had (#66, so I have a few more to collect, really) and I read it in spurts. This is only a 150ish page book but I just wasn't in the right headspace, so I'd read some, mope around the house, read some more, tell the new dog to stop eating things that weren't food, read some more, play with a quacking sheep toy with the dogs, read some more... etc... you get the idea.In the end, I had read this book and felt better inside. The sun came out even (I totally give ND the cred for that!) and I was happy that I read a book from my childhood (aka teen years, because I am OLD). The Nancy Drew Case Files are the attempt to modernize the teen detective in the early 90s from the girl who solved mysteries about clocks and keys from the, er... 50s? (I am blanking on the year and I used to be awesome at ND trivia! I could look it up, but really, I'm feeling lazy. The fact that I am even writing this post should be good enough for all of you. =P)Good ol' Nancy Drew was my 17th book for the month of May and my 68th book for the year! Not too shabby since I wasn't sure I'd even make 5 books for the month of May. I'm over 50% of the way to my goal of 125 books for the year, too. I am happy about that. I should have vacation coming up sometime in July (not sure when yet) and I hope to read the entire time!!Thanks to Nancy Drew for helping me get out of my funk over the weekend!