The Prince of Neither Here Nor There

The Prince of Neither Here Nor Thereby Seán Cullen

With a pimply face and braces on his teeth, the perpetually clumsy Brendan is having a hard time at school. When he starts hearing voices and conversing with chipmunks, he thinks he can add losing his mind to his growing list of problems. Then he discovers that he's a Faerie who was lost in the human world. Now that he knows his true identity, the human disguise that has been protecting him begins to fade and a whole host of wicked creatures tries to tempt him to use his Faerie power for evil intentions. It's up to Brendan to protect the human world, and to make the ultimate choice between the family he has grown up with and his new Faerie roots. (

I picked this book up a while ago, a long while ago I believe and I can't remember why. I think the cover called to me and the story looked interesting enough. What I wasn't expecting was to be doubled over in laughter by the first pages.Now this book was bought from the Middle Grade section of the store, but I think it could pass as YA (and says on the back that it is YA) so I am tagging it as both. Seán Cullen is the author of the Hamish X series which is MG and I have never read.The Prince of Neither Here Nor There is a story filled with faeries, action, footnotes and a ton of information that I never thought I'd learn from a fiction novel about Faeries. (The footnotes are awesome!) Each part of the book is prefaced by an Author's Note that will make you giggle for a long time.Things that I found different about this book - the main character is a 14-year old boy and he learns he's a faerie. This is rare because normally the faerie books are all about girls. The boy is a geeky sort but has really great friends and great parents. I liked that this faerie story wasn't all about mushy, gushy romance but more about learning who you are.This was just a super fun story that had all the right elements for me - humour, action, adventure, fun characters and a nicely paced plot. Also awesome? This story takes place in Toronto, Canada - which made me look up the author and sure enough he's a Canadian one! Woot!Also exciting is that there's a sequel that came out last October, so I'm going to have to find it somewhere and continue reading about Brendan and his wacky Faerie family!The Chronicles of the Misplaced Prince

  1. The Prince of Neither Here Nor There
  2. The Prince of Two Tribes

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