Beyond Elsewhere

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This daylight isn't saving us anything

It's sort of sad when you have to force yourself out of bed because it's 9:22am but your body is all, "Hell no, it's not!" I feel like today is almost gone already. I'm really looking forward to there being light at 7pm tonight, man is this harder to adjust to each year. Old people shouldn't have to suffer like this. :)And of course, my husband has had to work all weekend and was going in as soon as he got up. Only within moments of him driving away he was back.Front passenger tire is completely flat. So he put the spare donut on it and changed his clothes and now we are sitting in Canadian tire waiting on them to hopefully fix the flat and not have to buy a new tire. I came along incase they told us it would be hours and Shawn could catch the bus and head into work. It should be done fairly soon though. I hope.Myself? I was giving myself 2 hours to drink my tea, have some breakfast, surf the web (aka play neopets) and then get full force into my school work. Instead? My two hours will be spent in this waiting room. Hmmm. I only had 2 sips of my tea before Shawn was back. So I'll have to reheat it when I'm back home.What a frustrating Sunday! >_<