
tithe by holly blacktithe: a modern faerie taleby Holly BlackMost all my books either come from the bookstore or from Monkey's shelves. tithe, for instance was lent to me by Monkey for my trip to New Brunswick at the end of October. She told me I should like it. As usual, she was right. I actually might even buy this book for myself I enjoyed it that much.Although tithe is classified as YA, I thought there was way too much swearing going on for my liking (yes, I am a big ol' prude!) and wouldn't be recommending this book to many parents for their kids. Sure not everyone has led as sheltered and innocent a life as I have, but still, if I was shocked at the language, I don't think many parents would be thrilled to see their kids reading this (though these days everyone seems to be cursin' up a storm no matter the age). And yes, I will admit the situation was realistic and that you would obviously hear language like that in a bar with a drunk mother, etc. So she gets points for that, I just like my books a little more innocent and naive and not quite so jaded. ;)The story I liked though. The characters I liked. It was dark and moody but with some humour and I liked the faeries Holly Black created.I will pick up her other books, though I am told they are not sequels, but if it has to do with the same "world" I think I will be quite entertained. At the same time, I have just bought The Spiderwick Chronicles - Complete First Series, which I found out while away (from my cousin's 10-year old step-son) is also by Holly Black. I had always wanted to try this series, but the books were short and $15 EACH! No way! :) I wanted to read them before I saw the movie when it comes out.


Faeries of Dreamdark


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