tuesday things

This was going to be a Seven Things on a Sunday post, but I have been so out of it with this flu that if I am not working, I am sleeping. So I am starting over with my random thoughts.Turns out Yoshi's unconditional love has conditions. Well, at least one condition. Yoshi does not like when I cough. Not at all. The entire time I have been sick (since Dec. 27 and counting), Yoshi has stayed as far away from me as he can. He sleeps in another room at night. He doesn't make eye contact. He hides when I cough. He does NOT like when I make face noises. It's been rather lonely at night, as I am used to him using me as a pillow while he sleeps. It's also sort of depressing because he won't snuggle with me anymore. I hope this stupid flu goes away soon. I miss my floofy shadow.Also, Yoshi cries when you groom him. Especially the closer you get to his bottom. Just try and brush those pantaloons on him and he'll yelp and whine like you're abusing him. He's pretty, but my goodness is he the biggest baby of a dog we have ever had. And this includes Jinx who was so sensitive to everything that if you swore, or raised your voice, he'd slink away upstairs and hide.I ams FIVE! - YoshiBearYoshi turned 5 on January 1st. My New Year's BABY bearDog.I have an immense love for English muffins. I don't know why they make me so happy, but they do. They are delicious and I am thankful that someone thought to create such a wonderous food product.It is an amazing feeling to be excited about reading once more. It's been way too long. I've already finished 8 books so far this month alone. I'm on a reading binge. I see books people are buying at work and I am desperate to read them ALL. I have books taken out of the library, and I just partook of a sale at work and bought five more books on the weekend. I am going through these babies like hotcakes. Mmmm. Hotcakes.My second-to-last course in the Ryerson Publishing program (I have been slowly making my way though) starts on Monday. It's Publicity for Book Publishers. I am excited about this course because my original dream goal from this diploma was to work in publicity for children's books. Though I am rethinking this now only because I have realized just how much I love selling books to people. I could work for one publisher and publicize their children's lit to the world (which, would be amazing. And I know which Publishing house I want to work in if that ever becomes a reality), but ultimately, I think I want to stick to bookstores when it comes to working with books. I can recommend and sell so many wonderful titles, and not stick to one publishing house all the time. I have a lot to think about. Meanwhile, I am simply going to continue to love every freaking second of my job and sharing my love of books with other people. (I'm a huge pusher of Canadian authors in the kid's lit genre. So I'm happily tossing books from authors whom I adore at customers. GO CANADA!)I can't believe my time in the Publishing program is almost over. It was  - at the time - the scariest decision I made to go back to school after 17 years and see if I could change career paths. I didn't mean for the diploma to take so long to finish (5 years, yo), but life, and trauma, and more life, happened and made this a slow process. Even though my original goal has changed, I knew I wanted to finish the program and register to graduate from it because it's been quite the ride. After this winter's course, I have one 6-week course left. And then...done. I'm sort of bewildered by this. I didn't think I could do this, and I was worried I'd have to give it up because of those little set-backs. Though I took one year off, so I am going to be finishing this a year later than I thought I would. I am proud of myself for having been able to stick to it through everything that happened.I am finally getting my voice back since losing it December 27. You have no idea how horrible it has been for me to not be able to SING for the past 2 weeks. No singing in the shower! No singing in the car! No singing around the house! And feeling way guilty about not being able to approach customers at work and ask if they need help. Gah! I am, like, the original Chatty Cathy! Not having a voice is hard. And this has been one doozy of a flu. I am actually thankful that I am working part time right now because I can SLEEP as much as I need to and my shifts have been shorter so it's a nice way to get me out of the house, but still. I want this to be over. No more coughing! No more sleeping all day! MORE voice!And I suppose that's it for now. Blogging more is something I want to do this year. Since I'll have slightly more free time than I did while working full-time, I am hoping it's something I will be able to continue to do!


the healing power of a bookstore


The Rest of Us Just Live Here [book review]