Beyond Elsewhere

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Despite my disappointment with how much more difficult I found the first day of my jogging attempt, I did feel GOOD afterwards. In fact, no matter how difficult my Body Design class has been the past 13 weeks I have always felt GOOD after the class (not to mention I sleep like a baby that night).Today didn't quite turn out that way. I was feeling sort of off all morning, not quite nauseous but still rather pukey, but I went to my class because I have felt like crap before and always feel better after the work out. Not today. I don't know if it was the high amount of jump rope we were doing (I used to be on a skipping TEAM! When did skipping get to be difficult?!) or if I am actually coming down with something, but I had to stop. I had to sit down on the mat and drink water and I apparently looked pale.Pale is not a colour I am when I exercise. I am more of a mottled-red and burgundy when I am active. Think Appaloosa horse in various shades of red.With 15 minutes left in the course I knew I couldn't make it. Even just lying on the ball and doing the chest press weights I felt really ill. Not like I'd pass out or throw up but that something was wrong. This wasn't a good "bad" feeling I get during work outs. This was a bad "bad" feeling. So I told my friends and the instructor that I had to go.I am now back at the office (and still had time left on lunch since I got back early) and I am seriously contemplating going home early. I should eat something but the thought of food is making me feel more like being sick than it is appealing.I'm just going to drink my water and wait until my boss is out of his meeting and see if I can leave early today.I don't know if last night plus today was just too much or if I am fighting some germ. Either way I don't like it and I want to feel normal again.Anyone want to come carry me home?