weekend away: upper canada village

Well, it's been a couple of weeks, but I finally managed to edit and upload the rest of the photos from our weekend away. In case you missed the first instalment, just click and you can relive it again. Whee!Have to warn you I didn't take many photos, nor are they that interesting. I think had the weather been better I would have been a little more camera happy, but as it was it was freezing and raining and not very inspiring.One thing that really amused me were the plethora of Canadian geese all along the roads. I wanted to stop and take a picture, but it's a little hard on the highway. Luckily we were greeted by a Fowl Gang when we pulled into the "parking lot road" (a really long and winding road thing) at Upper Canada Village.I couldn't get a shot with all of them in, but we pulled over so I could try and take a photo and they all started to converge on us! Eep! I think they were waiting for food. We didn't have any of course, so as soon as they got too close we drove away. HA! My favourite was this little guy:

He reminds me of Daffy Duck à la Duck Dodgers. Not sure why. He just does.

The first place we went was the, erm, wool mill (I think it was called). There was a lot of wool and wool spinning and weaving and blankets. But mostly... a lot of wool.


Because there was wool.. there were obviously SHEEP! I love sheep! BAAAAAAA!!

annie sheep

This one was the Annie-Sheep. It was standing there coughing, just like Annie does all the time. And then when I picked up some hay and said "Who wants food?" It quickly waddled over and grabbed it from my hand. Hee! The photo above is of the Annie-Sheep in mid-cough.And like Annie, the Annie-Sheep tried to eat my hand off while being fed. OK, actually this sheep isn't even touching my hand at all even though it looks like it in the photo. I thought the photo looked neat.When we were leaving the wool mill and going to the Flour Mill (boring) one little sheepy got his head stuck in the fence. heehee! I helped by taking this photo and giggling.One of the coolest buildings we visited was the Saw Mill. And since there was practically noone else visiting UCV in the morning, we had most of these places to ourselves which was awesome. It was like having your own personalized tour because the people working there only had to talk to you. The saw mill guy sat on a log next to us and explained all about the "new technology" we were watching. It only took 20 mins for the saw to cut off a slice from the huge log. So they were able to do about 5 logs a day or something. It had just started when we got there so we stayed and watched for a bit as the Saw Mill Guy told us a bunch of neat stuff.sawIt's kind of hard to see (no lighting in these places and it was very dark outside due to the rain) but the saw blade is about 3 feet down the log already (close to the end of the photo) and that was about 5 mins into the sawing. They had 3 other huge logs waiting to be sliced up into planks of wood that day. It was really neat to watch. We meant to go back on our way out of UCV but due to other reasons we never did.This is the menu of the place where we ate. Hoo boy! Was that food GOOD. Only it was waaaay too much for me to eat and I couldn't eat it all. It was a half chicken, mashed potatoes and veggies with a salad (with the BEST dressing I have EVER had and they won't tell you what they do! GAH!) and a dessert. I couldn't even eat all the potaoes! ME! The Potato Goddess! Oh and there was rye bread, too! My stomach is hurting again now just thinking about it.. I was so full and bloated. Ugh. But I loved it. Sadly I couldn't take a doggy bag back to the hotel, but they did wrap the rest of my chicken up in aluminum foil for me to take back. hee. It was the best food ever.I need to remember when I have to wait over 6 months for an emergency appointment or whatever at the hospital that I need to be thankful for modern medicine. The Doctor's house made my skin crawl.doctor toolsThe "tools of the trade" were layed out on this table. The little old lady who was in the house explained a bunch of stuff and I felt ill. *shudder*shudderI tried to crop the photo so you could get a closer look... the tool thingy third from the right was what they used to take out tonsils. Ugh. *shudder*We left there and went off to see bigger and more amusing thigns.. like Bulls!Shawn was contemplating trying to wrestle one of the little bulls, but then quickly rethought that when it turned out they weren't so little.So he fed them instead. These things ate full corn stalks!! (sans corn). The stalks were all on our side of the fence, so the poor little bulls couldn't get them. They were sticking their huge bull tongues through the posts trying to eat the stalks, so we helped out.They were very grateful as you can see. *CHOMP* *CHOMP*Aside from the bread (which really wasn't as good as I remember because they changed it) the only other thing I really remember from UCV was the Signal Tower.. however I only remembered that I remembered it once I saw it.Only thing was it was completely empty, and I remember there being telegraph stuff in there. Maybe that's only seasonal and there when the schools all visit at the end of the school year?Anyhow we climbed to the top and I set up the camera timer and took the only photo of the two of us together of that entire trip!It was windy which is why my hair is standing up. Pisses me off that hair. GRR. Oh, well. It's also out first photo together since the wedding. Geez.Shawn was way too tall for this little town and kept hitting his head on all the ceilings and door frames. Turns out it wouldn't have been to great for him had he died back then either.Look at the size of this hearse! Goodness! I don't think I would have fit in it. I think in Shawn's case they would have just burried him where he fell. heh.Last but not least - pigs!There were four little pigs running amok in the farm area. Whereas the sheep was an Annie-Sheep there was most certainly a Jinx-Pig. Digging holes in the mud, burring themselves in the haystack. It was hilarious. I even took a little video which I will now subject you to! And then, that concludes our trip to UCV!


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this week's a bitch and so am i