Beyond Elsewhere

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weekend roundup

While today I have been flip-flopping between feeling sick to my stomach and feeling drugged so that I have to sleep, yesterday Shawn and I brought lunch over to my grandparents' place and spent some of the afternoon with them. My parents had gone to Vermont for the US long weekend (insane! :)) and so with the weather being as miserable as it is and the sidewalks and streets being icy hell, we thought it would be nice to let my grandparents stay indoors.I missed out on the photo opportunity at my Poppop's birthday in September so I made sure Shawn snapped our photo this time.I had to poke my Poppop repeatedly to get him to giggle so he would smile. heehee! It worked though!I also tried to snap my photo with the painting they have over their couch - which they have had over their couch since forever (even in their house when I was a kid). That painting is as much a part of my family as a human being. ;) The photo didn't work out so well though (and when I had Shawn take one from farther away I looked way too fat. Ugh.)I love that painting.And then as we were leaving (lunch made my tummy a little rumbly so we had to leave earlier than I had hoped) I got my Nana to pose with me for one of my self-portraits. hee!I love my Nana!When we got home I took a nap (who is the old person again??) and then Shawn went and did some groceries (excitement galore!) and then we moved furniture around. My kitchen table is now in the dining room part of the room upstairs. The dishwasher (which is still waiting patiently to be installed under the counter) is now in the kitchen where the table was. I wanted it moved around so a) I could decorate my table and b) for something to do. I am still anxious as all get out about all this Christmas decorating stuff and I am OCD and anal retentive enough to want to have everything in it's proper place. But I am trying very hard to not let it bother me as much as it has been. I'm working on it.I did come to the decision that maybe it won't be so bad if I fill my home with holiday love and family. I've managed to coerce Shawn into agreeing to a couple of dinner ideas over the holidays. We're most likely having Monkey and Ravi over one night (though it's not officially set in stone so I don't get violently ill and have to cancel, heh) and I might have my parents and grandparents over. It's important to me to have at least one memory of my grandparents (and parents!) over for Christmas in my new home. Growing up we always had Christmas at home and then at my grandparents' home (I have always been very lucky to have them live just across town) and then when I moved out I would make it back to the south shore to have my two Christmasses again. Since they have been in their apartment we just do Christmas at my parents' place and since I have always lived farther away that's it. My sister has had Christmas morning at her house already, last year was my niece's first Christmas and Shawn and I couldn't make it, we're going to try to get there this year since we're just across town now. But this is MY first holiday in my own home and we're not far from my family, so I would like to try to make at least one dinner for my parents and grandparents. We're probably doing it the day after Christmas since my mom will be making turkey and whatnots for my sister's family and my grandparents. I am not sure when Shawn and I are hitting his parents' place, but it's a little easier now that I am so close to my family - especially if I have THEM over. Ha!So that's the plan so far though it is a month away and a lot can happen in a month. Since I still don't have a new date for my GI appointment that's earlier than January 22 (ugh) I could be dead. Who knows! I am trying to be slightly more positive than that though. ;)Oh, and after all that I meant to talk about what we did today. Not that it is all that exciting we just had to run around to buy wintery things that we didn't realize we didn't have anymore. One downside to living with the in-laws' for a year after the fire - you don't realize how much you've got to replace until you're set up on your own and notice that you never found the things when you unpacked all the storage stuff. Only you don't think about the wintery stuff when you're unpacking things in, you know, May!How was your weekend?