Beyond Elsewhere

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weekend workout - january 18 & 19

The last couple of weekends my trainer has been posting little work-out ideas on our facebook group for my fitness class. Just ideas of things we can do at home on our own. I had been trying to make my own programs but honestly that would end up eating up any motivation I might have had, so I like that Elissa is posting ideas for us. I tried to do the one she posted last weekend but couldn't make it through. My not sleeping is one factor the other is the new medication I'm on temporarily to help with my anxiety - it makes me nauseous and diminishes my appetite so I am not eating nearly enough to be working out much. Alas.But I'm trying to get as much as I can in!These workouts are found on Pinterest and although she shares them privately with those of us in the group, I am going to be linking to the original post (if I can find it) and give credit where credit is due since I'm posting it on my blog. I'm not sure what the protocol is here, so just know that this is NOT something that either I nor my trainer came up with.This particular work out is from Annica Nicole, she calls it the Ten Down Tone Up.

Now, I tried this one Saturday and only made it through three times. By the time I got to 7 burpees I was ready to collapse and I felt like crap. That was my cue to stop. Mind you, I started this late at night and I don't think I'd quite digested dinner even though I thought I had waited long enough. On top of that, I was bored. It was too repetitive and my mind was wandering (and not in that "wow, my mind was elsewhere and boy was this fast!" sort of way.) So I didn't finish it - but I DID get 50 squats in because I love squats. Yes, I know. I'm odd.

Today I did this in the late afternoon and I mixed it up a little. Instead of doing 10 of each, then 9 of each, etc. I started with 10 burpees, 9 squats, 8 lunges, and so on. This meant that I ended with 1 burpee. Then I started over with 10 squats, 9 lunges, 8 bicycles, and so on. This actually allowed me to do the program longer and not take breaks. Also it appeased my Wandering Mind and I was able to ALMOST complete it. Alas, I had to stop by the time I got to 10 push-ups. My arms were giving out and I was exhausted. By this time the dogs had decided that I had been ignoring them long enough and Sophie decided it was time for me to pay attention to her.

Make sure you stretch like this, Mummy.

While I was on my last 30 second plank (before I stopped), Sophie came over and smacked me on the head with her paw. Then she stuck her nose in my ear and eye and I was laughing so hard I fell over. Thankfully, I'd already reached my 30 seconds. ;) As soon as I was on the floor she burrowed into the space between my head and shoulders and grumbled at me. This prompted Jinx to come over and see what was what. He smacked me on the head with his paw, smacked Sophie in the face and then tried to pull her away by her tail (his way of playing). Then they both swarmed me with wet noses and paws and I got the idea... it was time to stop. I was getting really tired anyhow.

I made it through to the end of the circuit I was doing and Jinx stayed beside me on my mat until I had to do burpees again.

Is this how I do it, Mummy? Am I planking correctly?

I have to say that my abs are already killing me from yesterday's workout. I did way more today so I'm not sure how I'll be tomorrow. I may or may not work out, it will depend on how I'm feeling. I won't be able to make it to class on Thursday because it's my birthday and I plan on eating all of the roast beef and mashed potatoes for dinner and that is not food I want to eat before an hour-long Crossfit class. ;) I've been pretty good at working out three days and then taking a day of rest over the last 2 weeks. I'd like to keep it up. I'm not sure how it'll go when I am back at work. All that work will cut into my free day-time time and I'll have to go back to only having evenings to exercise and do homework! Alas!

I'll also be happy when the roads aren't so icy and I can start attempting to jog again!