Beyond Elsewhere

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when the internet brings you both happiness & sadness

The handsome fellow above is Leonard. Leonard was a 80-pound (?) English Bulldog who just recently passed away.

I don't normally talk about other peoples' dogs on here (unless we happen to find a random one in March), but I'm going to make an exception for Leonard and his human because over a very short time I fell in love with this dog and his human's captions on Instagram.

One of the reasons I loved IG so much was that one day I happened to come across a photo of a dog that made me laugh so much. I realized that the entire IG feed was of this dog with witty captions. I would laugh daily at Leonard and his zany, though rather laid-back actions. There was always a new photo in my IG feed and I started sharing these smiles with Shawn.

Over Christmas, Leonard started getting a little ill. He was having seizures and he'd been visiting the vet (and pooping in the vet's waiting room) a lot. Leaving comments, sending positive thoughts just didn't seem like enough to me. I wanted to know more about Leonard and his family. I wanted to help. In January another woman on Instagram started collecting donations to help Leonard's family with their medical bills. Of course we helped, it wasn't even a second thought. By then, I'd already been sort of chatting with Leonard's human through the comments on IG. With the donation she had my email and we'd emailed a couple of times. Now we chat online. It's a social thing.

This family has had their share of misery since January - not all because of Leonard. It's hard when you make a new friend, one you really seem to connect with, but you don't even know where they live, only that it's far enough away that you can't really do anything to help other than try and offer words of comfort and prayers.

Leonard seemed to get better for a while, but the seizures started up again. It was pretty obvious that he had a sort of brain tumour and that the only option left was to make him as comfortable as possible. Leonard was spoiled rotten. He loved car rides to the Magic Cheeseburger Window Place. He took over his doggy sibling's clamshell bed. There were stand-offs. (Gertie won).

What are my thoughts on the Clam Shell Bed Battle? PPpppBbbBbbtttttTtt. Yes, you can quote me on that.

I have made a friend in Leonad's human and I hope that our friendship continues through the loss of her beloved Leonard. She still has Gertie, the Boston Terrier, whom I hope can provide some comfort in the loss of Leonard this week.

I got the message while at work on Wednesday from Leonard's human. It was such a shock to find out that he was gone, even having never met dog or human in person, the last 6 months or so had made them part of my life.

I find it amazing that such emotion and grief can be felt over a dog that I had never met, but only read about on a daily basis. How much sympathy and sadness I feel for Leonard's humans and how important it is for me that they know I'm thinking of them and want to help as much as I can, even all these miles away. Friendships are funny like that. Sometimes it doesn't take a lot of time to connect with another being and have that connection be solid.

I didn't really ask Leonard's human if I could share his photos on here, but since IG is a public social thingy, and I am linking to her profile, I hope she doesn't mind too much. I would very much like to share with you some of my favourite Leonard moments from IG in the last bunch of months.

Leonard, may our Annabelly guide you through the All You Can Eat Buffet in the Sky and show you the ropes up there. Shawn and I were pretty certain from our discovery of you that you and Annie would have been dogs of a feather. We asked KewpieDoo to show Annie around, so between those two, I think you're in good company. They might make you dress like a Finnish Lapphund though. Beware.

And now, readers I give you, Dammit, Leonard!

My Puffy Jacket, by Leonard: My puffy jacket is red. It's puffy. It's makes a 'swoosh swoosh' noisy noise when I walk. It's my wearable blanket. I love my puffy jacket. Hoodie optional.

This blanket is too big for my bed. I officially reject it. Please remove it or else I will refuse to lay down in this bed and start a sitting protest. Don't test me...I will do it.

Clearly, the Rejected Blanket Protest is still going strong. I'm tired though and have no choice but to sleep in the wee tiny bed. I know you're mocking me, but I have principals...don't look at me.

This one is from Valentine's Day and it made me laugh so much!

I'm totes sorry I ended my poop protest in your office. And in the living room....and when you were cleaning up a nugget in your bedroom. The rain scared the crap out of me because it wouldn't stop. P.S. Don't go in the kitchen until your not mad.

Let me think this through again: I'm riding in the car and we stop for a moment and then freakin' cheeseburgers come through the window. Why has this not happened before?!

I love couch.

There are oh, so many, many more I want to share, but I'm not going to steal all of Leonard's photo feed. You can check out the link above to his page and take a look if you'd like. His human's captions make the photos all the better.

Thank you Leonard for introducing your human and I and for bringing a smile to my face almost daily. May you rest of peace, gentle Land Manatee.