Beyond Elsewhere

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BBAW - a surprise in email

I don't even... I'm actually shocked about this, but this morning when I checked my email I discovered that I have been nominated for a Book Blogger Appreciation Week Award in the following category:

  • Best Speculative Fiction Blog (i.e. Fantasy/Horror/Sci-Fi/Spec-Fic)

A huge thank you to whomever might have nominated me. Never in a million years would I have thought anyone would think my blog deserved mentioning, because I do this for fun! I also still think I only have like, 5 readers. ;)So now I am trying to find my 5 posts that best represent this category... is it sad that I don't really like my reviews? Ha ha! I'm so extra picky about them now!Meanwhile, I suppose I should do the BBAW 2009 meme thingy that is posted on their website since I am an active participant now!1)  What has been one of the highlights of blogging for you?Gosh, well if I also include my experiences with my personal blog (which I have had since 2004) I would have to say that I have made some wonderful friends through blogging. I am making new ones now through the Book Blog community and these are people I never would have had the chance to meet if I just spent time talking to people in my own town!Not to mention the extreme amount of new book ideas I have gotten by reading Book Blogs regularly in the last year. My bank account (and husband!)  isn't so thrilled with this highlight though. ;)2)  What blogger has helped you out with your blog by answering questions, linking to you, or inspiring you?Well, I haven't really asked anyone questions about my blog content. I always just posted about books I read, regardless of what they were (though I am mainly YA and Urban Fantasy/Fantasy). I would like to thank Brooke at Brooke Reviews and and Kailana of The Written World for having each mentioned me in a Blogs You Should Follow type post. Both these ladies said some very nice things about me which surprised and touched me at the same time! As always many of my first links were from one of my best friends and my personal Monkey! Monkey! Monkey! When Sassymonkey started her book blog (Sassymonkey Reads) she would link to be a lot. When I branched out from my personal blog and started this one a lot of my traffic came from her! And of course, Kristi  at The Story Siren had generated a lot of traffic on my blog because of her In My Mailbox feature which I participate in occasionally and I use that Mr Linky thing!3)  What one question do you have about BBAW that someone who participated last year could answer?I am desperate to know what the submission guidelines are! Am I allowed to submit posts that I wrote AFTER the nomination period was over? Because a couple of my current posts would go nicely! Help! Anyone?And again, thank you. I know I would still have to make the Short List cut for this to go anywhere, but just the thought that someone would like my blog enough to nominate me is by far the most flattering and touching thing ever.