
Captivateby Carrie JonesWhereas Need left me needing the next book, I am sad to say that Captivate did not captivate me in the least. I am very disappointed that I did not like this sequel to Need.I don't know how much to say about this story that won't spoil it, there are parts of the plot that I did not like, but I won't elaborate since the book has just come out and many might not have read it yet.However! The characters that I liked in the first book did nothing but irritate me in this time around. Zara and Nick were annoying and I just felt like smacking Zara upside the head. It was a little too "Bella and Edward" for me, except that Nick wasn't a creepy idiot like Edward was. The secondary characters seemed extra secondary this time around. Poor Issie is left out most of the book, with little participation, I guess because she's the only human. There is supposed to be this sort of jealousy on her part of Cassidy's presence around Devyn, but it's never really felt 3-dimensional to me.The introduction of Astley just made me feel like I had been Rick Rolled because I can't read that name without getting "Never Gonna Give You Up" stuck in my head on repeat. (Good grief!) I didn't think Astley's character was very 3-dimensional either. It was more like he was just there as a plot point. I didn't feel like I got to know him at all.There was not enough Grandma Betty and I adored her in Need. There needs to be more Betty.Also, it didn't have the same sort of pixie-thriller-mystery aspect as the first book. It seemed to be way more relationship focused than pixie focused.Based on the ending, obviously there is to be a third book. Will I pick it up? Yes, I will. Why? Well, I didn't like this book as much as the first, but I am invested in the storyline and I am curious to see where it goes. I don't know if the events in Captivate will effect the "personalities" of the characters that I didn't like as much this time around or not. I can only imagine it will. I have hopes for one character in the book and I certainly want to see where the next book goes with that.The bright side? I love these covers. Need's cover was dazzling and I find Captivate almost as dazzling. They do make a pretty pair of hard cover books on my shelf.


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Out of My Pocket #23 // In My Mailbox #28