So I just noticed when I updated my header image that my copy of Lament by Maggie Stiefvater is BACKWARDS! I took like, 8 photos in my backyard this afternoon trying to get the look I wanted that would fit in this header thing and just now when I finally took a look at the finished product with the green background did I notice that Lament isn't right side up.ARGH!
And I am not going to retake the photos. I grabbed a bunch of books from my table and shelf and dresser and brought them outside and dropped them in a pile. I made sure they were visible and I had to keep reshooting because my copy of Knife by R.J. Anderson kept going all prisim-y!
And although it LOOKS cool, it wasn't perfect so I shot again and again. Until I THOUGHT it was perfect. And only now, hours later, as I am updating this theme do I look and thing "Hey, where's the manic depressive-looking girl on the cover?"
It's going to bother me. I know it is. But you know what? I'm going to see if I can suck it up and deal with it. I am. I can do this. *deep breath* I can. I will not let the OCD win. I will NOT. *deeeeeep breath* And, um, it adds character, right? Makes my blog different from the rest! Yep. That's it. Uh-huh. *nods*
Please don't hold this against me!