destruction chronicles - day 5

I'm going to be sneaky and backdate this post since I should I posted it on May 20th and not two days later when I am writing it. Heh. Sneaky me!So I was home today (the today that was May 20 and not the today that is May 22) since I had some vacation left to take before the end of the month. Today was full of activity which I happily snuck photos of from my front window, like the nosy neighbour that I am, so that I might chronicle to the best of my ability!This truck full o' tubes was driving up and down my street as the two men from the truck traipsed all over people's lawns laying down the tubes.I knew something was up the night before when I saw those pipes laying suspiciously around. Oh, crap. This is how we're going to get our water for the next 5 or so months. I forgot about that. Or, chose to not realize what was actually going to happen since it was going to suck a lot.Sure enough, the little truck o' tubes made its way back to my side of the street and the men in the orange pants pulled blue tubes over our yard.The truck o' tubes even came equipped with its very own fire hydrants. I noticed later in the evening while we were walking the dogs that one lucky house got a nice decorative hydrant planted on the front of their lawn. We were sad, we would have liked one, too. They are pretty and red.Here is Jinx inspecting the tube that was just left by the men in orange pants. He was not very impressed with them walking across our yard while he was inside in the living room. He was very good and did not bark though. I think it was because I was sitting there next to him with my camera poised between the slats of my blind and snapping photos of the activity. Because he DID bark when this was left in our mailbox:Boy did he bark. I was upstairs napping and nearly had a heart attack when he woke me up. So, here's our notice about how we're only going to get our water through these tube/hose things for an indeterminate amount of time. They didn't fill in the little line at the top of the notice that says WHEN. I mean, it's not like I didn't know this would happen, right? They are replacing the water mains on the street, it would sort of stand to reason that we wouldn't be getting water from them while that was happening.The tubes are not yet attached to anything in our house. I guess that's why we have that Alice in Wonderland sized hole in our driveway so they can tap into the, er, tap thing? I don't know. I do know that the hole has not yet been filled in and it's very dangerous! I hope they fix it next week. And I hope my loving husband remembers to snap a photo of it when it's done. heh.Also on May 20th (and not today, the 22nd) my parents celebrated 38 years of marriage! Happy Anniversary!!! I always get the date wrong. I always think their anniversary is May 19. But this year I saw them ON their anniversary when they came over and brought me lunch. Ha! Happy Anniversary to them and happy lunch to me!Since Thursday it's been quiet on the destruction front. I am curious as to what I will be coming home to on May 30th after my trip?




The Demon's Covenant