dogs, you gotta love 'em
Oh, Annie. I love you, but you have to stop throwing up on my carpet. Throwing up on the floor is ok in the grand scheme of things, but the carpet is not as easy to clean.Also, please just stop throwing up. Why are you throwing up so much? This concerns me, my dear pup. Since Thursday you seem to have had this problem. This is why, though you don't understand it, you are not being fed this morning. I understand you are probably feeling punished, but you are not. I promise. It just looks like you haven't digested any food all week and I would like to make sure that this isn't some sort of scary blockage problem and maybe just that you're not feeling that great right now.Maybe there is a doggy gastro going around? Does that sort of thing exist? Because just last Wednesday through Saturday Jinx was the King of The Runs and I have to tell you, Annie, at least you don't smell nearly as bad as he did last week. Of course he was nice enough to wait until he was outside to be sick and not just wait until Shawn and I left the room.Last week we had to suffer along with Jinx Puppy and it was hard, and a lot of middle of the night backyard outings. You don't come up the stairs so you can't let us know you're not feeling well. For the most part my carpet has been saved, but you're getting lax in where you feel you need to be sick. Please try and remain on the wood floors or kitchen tiles.Also, this morning we're not feeding Jinx because one of the places we found a puddle of yuck was in his regular spot - so was it him or you? There is a mystery here and so you're both not getting breakfast this morning.Of course, my Annabelly, you're the one who doesn't seem to want to eat right now. You try, and you chew all weird, which leads us to wonder if you are having a tooth ache. Between a potential blockage and a tooth ache, I think I prefer the latter, either way both will cost a fortune at the vet and so we're hoping you just ate something outside that didn't agree with you, or swallowed a ton of for for some reason (as our examining showed large furballs. What are you, a cat??).You're 11 and a half now and I know you have your regular issues and I get worried about you each time you get sick as you get older. Lappies can and normally do live up to about 15 or so, and I really want to have those 3.5 years left with you. I know the medication you were on for your hurt paw took a tole on you and didn't do your digestive system much good, so maybe you're still fighting that.You just coughed up a bunch of phlegm right at my feet just NOW as I wrote that last sentence. ON MY CARPET! GAH!I really hope both dogs are ok and it's not the food. It's not a new batch, so for them to get sick this far into it is bizarre, so I am wondering - do dogs get gastric flues?