medically challenged

I didn't mean to take a week to update this thing, but the stupid pain got worse and I have been so tired, that there is rarely internetting when I get home.So, anyhow, this morning I went to find out the test results from my blood tests, x-rays and bone scan over the summer. Turns out my bones are fine, though the rest is inconclusive. And considering I hurt so much that I burst into tears when the Doctor touched me even lightly (on my hip!) the pain is that bad. The doc thinks I have an underlying problem causing the inflammation, pain and lack of mobility. So off I go for more tests an MRI and some special blood tests that have to do with genetics or something.I am going private for the MRI so I don't have to wait 6-9 months for it because gosh darnit! I hurt SO much that I can't even function in daily life. I can't stand, sit, lie down. I can't open a jar, walk up or down stairs properly. I can't bend to file, or carry many files at once. I am in so much pain that I can't focus.And I just want this stupid thing to be over.At least all those years of my life I suffered from the stomach problems I had? I could use the REST of my body. Right now? Only above my shoulders doesn't hurt on a chronic basis.And in answer to my doctor today? No, there is never relief. It is CONSTANT. No, it does not hurt more on one side than the other. This is symmetrical pain. And I am so fatigued I am falling over at work.I am once again a medical mystery.I have a prescription for an anti-inflammatory that is slightly stronger than Advil, but since Advil wasn't doing anything, I don't know if this will. But I am hoping and if I could cross my fingers - I would.


dogs, you gotta love 'em


BBAW - Reading Meme