Dream Girl
Dream Girlby Lauren MechlingOh, my gosh, this was a fabulous book! I was trying to finish it before midnight to add it to my 2009 books read list, but it didn't happen. I was reading this book as the year changed over and I finished it when I woke up this morning. What a fantastic book to start off my year.Claire Voyante has weird dreams. Ever since her grandmother Kiki gave her a cameo necklace for her 15th birthday the dreams have gotten stranger, they are in black and white and parts seem to come true the next day. How strange.Claire is forced to go to a public school after she tested high on their entrance exam leaving the creative school she loved behind. She befriends one girl whom she clicks with right away and seems to fall into a mystery surrounding her friend Becca's family.I loved Claire and her sharp wit. I loved her grandmother Kiki and her Waldorf Astoria apartment. The cover of the book reminds me of a cameo in some odd way, so I thought that was a pretty cool connection. I felt like I was watching a movie, a really fun and gripping movie. It wasn't as awkward as Ghost World (an awesome movie with Thora Birch and Scarlett Johansson) but it reminded me of the friendship between those two girls.Mechling has a wonderful way with words and dialogue. It wasn't poetic or anything, but there was a great flow to the story that kept me wanting to read more. The entire book made me feel happy. Happy! I can't think of the last time I just felt happy reading a book.I know I am reading this book about a year later than most, what with the sequel Dream Life about to hit stores this month, but I wanted to wait for the paperback (a recurring theme on my blog). It's going to be hard not to buy it, but I can't now. I mean, I can't have ONE in paperback and ONE in hard cover. That's just not right at all. Just sayin'. I'll find a way to read it though. I will!So far I feel very positive about 2010 after having finished this book. Such a happy feeling!