Early to Death, Early to Rise
Early to Death, Early to Rise (Madison Avery, #2)by ? Kim Harrison ?The awesome Harper Collins Canada must have been just as excited about my 5th wedding anniversary as I was when they sent me a parcel on Friday with books to review and not just any books but some by KIM HARRISON. And if you didn't watch my video below you'll know that 5th wedding anniversary is wood as a gift, and wood makes paper and books are made out of paper so they totally got it right. Go, Harper Canada!Due to my crummy financial situation I had not yet bought this book and I wanted it so very much so of course I started it as soon as it came putting aside the book I was already reading.In case you don't know about Madison Avery, well, she's the Dark Timekeeper. She's dead but everyone thinks she's still alive and she's trying to unite the dark reapers with the light ones. She's supposed to be ruled by fate but she believes in choice.Now, the first book sort of jumped into things really fast and seemed like you missed a part of the story, which if you didn't read the YA anthology Prom Nights From Hell, you kind of did. This here second novel in the Madison Avery series felt a lot smoother and less rushed, however the story still felt a little, I don't know, empty? Not as full? Not as meaty?It's a light, quick read and I think I am so used to her adult series that I expect a much richer, threshed out world and characters than I'm getting in this series. This isn't to say I don't enjoy it because I do! I'm just busy comparing it to the other series that I adore and it's hard to let that go.I don't really know what I think about Madison but I LOVE Nakita and I love how she and Barnabas are always bickering over everything. Those two together make me laugh and Nakita by herself is just entertaining to read.I'm certainly sticking with this series despite the meaty plots because I think the overall arc of the story is original and interesting and meaty enough in itself. The little plot/mystery things that come up along in each book are sort of Buffy or Scooby-Doo-esque and interesting enough to read more about but not always the most earth shattering stories. In fact I had guessed who the bad guy was in this story the second we met the character and I was right. But I can look past all of that because the writing is Kim Harrisonny goodness and the characters are fun to spend time with for a couple of hours.And Madison isn't nearly as incompetent at things as Rachel Morgan still is in the adult series. This makes me happy.Are you curious? You can always Browse Inside at the Harper Collins website! Click here to read about Madison Avery!Madison Avery series