found a used bookstore now i never need to come home

First, let me just say that I have never been so happy to have my dog poop than I have been tonight. I don't think I would ever say something like that in my entire life, but here I am. Jinx, you see, is stubborn and difficult about certain things. He whines like a baby when he sees another dog, or a cat, or a person and even (so we found out tonight) a DUCK. He wants to see them and play with them and love them. He does other stuff too, but mostly, he refuses to potty while on leash. And you know what? This week is chalk full o' leashy fun! So since Friday, Jinx refused to do anything. It's very frustrating. He finally started to pee on Saturday evening. He's even been lifting his leg on trees! My little boy is FINALLY figuring out he's a BOY! It only took 4 years! I'm so proud. *wipes tear from eye*But he wasn't pooping. And you all don't need to know this, or care, but damnit if we weren't getting more and more frustrated and irritated with him. Anyhow, he finally went when we went for a walk this evening. It was like a party was happening on that walking trail, I tell you! Shawn and I made it seem like Jinx just won the lottery or something. Thankfully noone else was around because I felt like a dork.Anyhow, it's been raining up a storm. But the last couple of nights, things cleared up around 6-7pm and so we could walk. Last night we had a BBQ over at my cousin Sheryl's house and it only rained once we were all inside eating at about 7:30. When we got back to the room to let the dogs out it let up a little and though it was rain and rain this morning, by supper it cleared and the sun even peaked through the clouds.Sadly it's been very overcast and the view from our side of the Saint John river (North side) to the South side has been foggy and hard to capture on camera. The few times I have tried to capture the sunset, it didn't turn out like I was seeing it in real life.Today we went into downtown Fredericton and had a late lunch at The Snooty Fox pub and I had the best fried clams. Yum! Shawn had an entire rack of ribs and the meat just fell off the bone. Even I sampled the meat and I don't even like ribs and I thought it  was good. Shawn also had sweet potato fries with his meal. After, we wandered around and wanted to head to a used bookstore that my cousin mentioned. And...Oh MY God. I died and went to used bookstore heaven! I loved it. It was crammed with books, I mean crammed, you couldn't breath without tripping over a book. And it just went on and on and on and on. I loved it. I headed straight for the kids' section. It was like I was 13 again and in the used bookstore in Plattsburgh. I was looking for specific books this time though and although I didn't find them (of course I didn't spend a long time there our parking meter was running out and there was just SO much to look at) I did find 9 books for $31. Not bad. I have to go back because now I need to hit the fiction section and find a couple of books I am looking for used for my collection.It's called the Owl's Nest. And I loooooooove it. This is what I miss living where I do. I hate it there. Also, the library is, like, right here. I love it here. Oh, and apparently the book store is 2 storeys high. I didn't even notice that. I was all about the back of the store (and it's waaaaaaaaay back) and the kid books. Yum.I still need to eat lobster and shrimp somewhere. And we still want to go somewhere, we just don't want to do it in a rain storm.Oh! Also? We saw Transformers 2 yesterday and it sucked big time. How disappointing.


Possible book give away (The Devouring)


Out of My Pocket #8 - The I'm-on-Vacation, Yo! Special Edition!