Out of My Pocket #8 - The I'm-on-Vacation, Yo! Special Edition!

Due to my book buying addiction I started this  feature on my blog where I post about the book(s) I bought that week. Not something I plan on having every week – though it seems to be turning out that way.  So here’s what I bought this week!

Previous OoMP posts can be found here!

Leave it to me to discover a Chapigo on my third day here. I wasn't going to  buy anything because I brought a bunch of books, but I haven't been reading because I just can't settle down enough to focus on the books. We did go to a lovely independent bookstore (which was one of the only things opened on Sunday in the area we were walking around) only it was my husband who bought something, not I. Except later that afternoon, right before going to the movies (Transformers 2 - and we disliked it muchly) there was a Chapigo right across from the ticket wicket! And I walked away with 3 new books and Shawn had another 2! How can you not when it was Buy 3! Get the 4th Free! And I had a 20% off coupon! And two of my three books were only $3.99!

The Good Girls' Ghouls' Guide to Getting Evenby Julie Kenner

Elizabeth Frasier's ticked off. Her junior year of high school was going just fine. But thanks to a bunch of jerkwad vampire jocks, she ended up undead, and with a thirst that a thousand Diet Cokes couldn't quench. Now she's out for blood-and revenge. And she knows exactly what to do...Elizabeth's read Salem's Lot. Separate the good vamps from the bad and wipe out the crowd that did her in. On top of that, she's got to figure out how to be mortal again-unless universities start accepting dead girls. (amazon.ca)

This was a whopping $3.99! And I saw it second. First one I saw was the second one (below) and do you think they had both these titles next to each other on the same table? No! They had two other books in-between them. One of my serious pet peeves about bookstores is when they put books in series out of order - or not even next to each other! ARGH! If it's on the shelf I'll rearrange them myself (habit I kept with me after working in a bookstore so long) but this was a display table, so  I left it. :)

Good Girls Ghouls Doby Julie Kenner

As the vampire population at Waterloo High continues to grow, Beth Frasier realizes that she's on the frontline of saving not only the school, but her hometown. And only one thing is for sure: She's got to find the head vampire and kill him...quicklyHer only problem? With her classmates quickly turning over to the dark side, Beth doesn't know who to trust or kill. (chapters.indigo.ca)

I don't even know why this interested me so much. Both these books have covert art that I don't generally like. But they are tiny books and I think I might spend today reading them - since it's pouring out and we're not looking forward to wandering around in the rain.

But my most exciting purchase (which I have been waiting for forever!) was this:

City of Souls: The Fourth Sign of the Zodiacby Vicki Pettersson

In Sin City, a little girl suffers from a strange and terrible malady. If she dies, the Light will die along with her.Warrior, avenger, Joanna Archer has survived countless otherworldly terrors—and has found her rightful place among the agents battling the all-pervasive evil of Shadow . . . even as she struggles against the darkness within herself.A war is raging for Las Vegas—a city without a heart—one that catapults Joanna into a new world hidden from mortal sight. In this lethally seductive alternate dimension the lines blur between good and evil, love and hate, and here lies the last hope for the Light. But Joanna's price of admission is a piece of her own soul—and the odds of her escaping are slim . . . to none.

Yay! I have been eagerly awaiting this book! I don't really like the cover though. I can't wait to start this one! If only we had better lighting in this motel room. Sigh.Looks like we're in for rain, rain and more rain this week. I am hoping that it'll let up a little for Canada Day on July 1st. Even July 2nd would be nice without rain since it's our 4th wedding anniversary and we want to go out and do stuff. It's just not all that fun to Do Stuff in the pouring rain - especially if you want to bring your very furry dogs, too! We'll see how the week pans out!


found a used bookstore now i never need to come home


almost there!