Halfway to the Grave

Halfway to the GraveHalfway to the Graveby Jeaniene FrostEver since this book was recommended by one of my favourite authors I have had it on my radar waiting for it to be released. I never even read the back of it before picking it up, which I probably should have so I wouldn't have been so shocked by the vampire's name and disappointed in it (Bones! Good lord.) Anyhow, the main character is called Cat, which to me held promise. Heh.My husband felt that he was reading Buffy fanfic, I didn't get quite that vibe, but though the book started out with promise I was sadly disappointed by its progress. I did like Cat, I did not like Bones (he reminded me of a wanna-be Spike from Buffy) and none of the other characters seemed to be anything more than plot devices.I really wanted to like the book more than I did. I will undoubtedly get the next one when it comes out in March, but I don't know what I am going to think about it. I know that I hated the ending of this one, so I don't know how it's going to work when it comes to the next book.I did like the author's writing style though and I enjoyed her humour. It wasn't badly written, I just don't think the plot was thick enough or worked out properly. Or something. I did have my nose stuck in the book until it was finished. I didn't once toss it aside disdainfully while making a disgusted noise (like I did with another book not too long ago) but I still think there was something missing on the whole.It's a fun, light read... just skip the 5-page sex scene if that's not your thing.Night Huntress Series

  1. Halfway to the Grave
  2. One Foot in the Grave
  3. At Grave’s End
  4. Destined for an Early Grave
  5. Book 5 : Title & Date Coming Soon! (per author's website!)



my life is way too eventful at 4 in the morning