my life is way too eventful at 4 in the morning

What is with the universe's perverse pleasure with bothering me in the wee hours of the morning? Seriously. I'm getting a little tired of it. I also seem to be Jinx's favourite person to wake up when he's not feeling well. I should be thankful that he's coming up to the bedroom and pawing at me when he needs to go out urgently because his tummy is upset, but quite frankly I wake up at 3:46 am and curse him for not trying to wake up Shawn!So I get out of bed, throw on a robe, grab my glasses and shuffle after the pup down the stairs. I of course slipped on a step and made my way to the bottom on my butt after twisting my ankle. Ow. The loud OW! OW! OW! I said on the way down was enough to wake up Shawn and have him come running to see if I was ok. I was, just bruised and pulled in directions I didn't want to go. So we let Jinx out and then had to clean up his pantaloons after he came back in. Not bad enough to merit a bath, but still not my idea of fun at four in the morning.When I got back up to bed MY stomach started feeling upset. I managed to fall back asleep rather than spend the rest of the morning in the bathroom, but was awoken at 6:10 with a very unhappy pain in my stomach. Once I got back to bed THEN at about 6:30 I had just started to fall asleep when Jinx woke me up again. Yippee!This time when Jinx came back in he needed more than just a little wipe with a paper towel, but there was NO way I was going to carry him upstairs and stick him in the bath tub. I cleaned him up the best I could and then washed ME and went back to bed (I had reset the alarm to 7:30 so I could try to catch some sleep).My day at work was rough, I was falling asleep at the desk (even while walking!) and my abdomen hurt and food was not my friend. When we got home we were expecting the worst, but luckily neither dog had been sick in the house. So we stuck Jinx in the bath, then made dinner (I had soup!) and then I stuck ME in the bath, but I had to cut it short because my stomach turned and I had to jump out of the bath to the toilet. Good times.Since we're giving Annie yogurt in her food, we're giving Jinx a tiny spoonful as well, though it seems to be upsetting his constitution (heh) and hence the running to the back door in the middle of the night. He'll get over it soon, he's not getting a lot, but I swear that boy is one of the biggest wusses of a dog ever when it comes to a lot of things. Hee!I'm just tired of these things happening at four in the morning though. I didn't need to fall down the stairs on top of everything! How unfair! My foot still hurts too (foot and not my ankle) and my back is sore up the right side from how I pulled it while falling. Ow.


Halfway to the Grave


just what the heck does a pancreas do anyway?