Beyond Elsewhere

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haunted by kelley armstrong hauntedby kelly armstrongyet another book about witches, werewolves, ghosts and things that go bump in the night. oh, and serial killers. can't forget the serial killers.kelley armstrong is a canadian author and has written quite a few other books in this series... the first one i ever read was bitten and it was GOOD. the ones after that? not so much. this particular novel is about some spirits who are trying to find an evil nix (really, are there any other kind?) who is running around possessing women and getting them to kill. what a bad nix she is.although there is some humour in this novel, i am having the hardest time trying to get into the story. i don't really care for the characters at all and it's sort of hard following what's going on. but i need to read like i need to breathe and so i plug on like a good soldier.the next book i will read is by her too...