Beyond Elsewhere

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I don't know... there just doesn't seem to be much of a plot

Today's Driving ManualToday's Driving Manualby Who The Heck KnowsIt is so very, very difficult for me to read anything non-fiction. I had the same problem as I suffered through school. Now you may ask yourself, why is a 31-year old just learning to drive now? Well. Many reasons. So there. Of course I actually PASSED my Theory/Knowledge test and got my Learner's Permit all of three and a half years ago. What I didn't do was practice my driving. For many reasons I will not get into here, I wasn't able to and so I never went for my actual Driving Test. And now that I have been able to drive in our lovely new car, I can't book a driving test without first re-taking the Knowledge test. Fun stuff.Last time, I had the advantage of a Driving School where I could spend hours and hours taking practice tests on their computer. I would go through many, many multiple-choice questions as much as I wanted to. This time I do not have that option. I just have this stupid book (which I never really read in 2004!) and I have to admit I am terrified that I will never pass this stupid Knowledge test again.I am a Visual Learner. I fear I only passed that stupid test because the driving school had very good examples of the questions (though, not the same due to legal stuffs) and I used my photographic memory while taking the official test. I don't have multiple choice examples anymore. And I sure as heck am not going to pay another $450 just to spend time at a driving school (boy does learning to drive cost a LOT in Quebec, one of the main reasons I didn't do this when I was 16 like the rest of the world - my family couldn't afford it and it was more expensive back then!).So I am slowly plugging through this manual. My test is next Friday - when the hell did it suddenly get to be almost September 14?! When I booked this test two weeks ago it seemed so far away! The panic is starting to set in and the more I read about rules and regulations and signs and right-of-ways, the more I start to fear I will never remember any of this - even though I KNOW I KNOW pretty much all of it. I just suck big time on tests. Especially tricky multiple choice tests. People who have forms of dyslexia just don't DO well on tests. At least I don't.If I can ever get this stupid Knowledge Test out of the way, then I can concentrate on panicking over the driving test. Heh.(David Eddings post coming as soon as I have some more time...)UPDATE: Test was a piece o' cake, and I only made one stupid mistake. I would have had 100% had I not changed one answer at the last second. Drat! Anyhow, now I just need to work on the driving part. I still feel rather like a loser about this though. Hmm.