I Have a Bed Made of Buttermilk Pancakes
I Have a Bed Made of Buttermilk Pancakesby Jaclyn MoriartyI am sad to say I have to stop reading this book at almost halfway through. It's not that I didn't like it, because I honestly don't know if I didn't like it or not. I tried. I read it, and got confused because I felt the story jumped all over the place and there were the weirdest sentences I have ever seen in a book that I had to reread just to make sure I hadn't had a seizure or something while reading and made up gibberish. I liked a few of the characters even if I couldn't quite follow the oddity of their conversations. And just when I was getting the hang of a character and her story-line - ZIP! we're over with someone else back in time or something, since a lot of it takes place simultaneously. Which is fine, but that took me a little getting used to,I stopped reading it because it was giving me horrid, awful, gasping awake and stick-to-my-stomach nightmares!No, really.I have no idea why. This is a normal fiction book. Nothing thrilling, nothing evil, nothing scary or magical (sort of). Fiction. And yet, I was having horrible nightmares of the words and characters floating around in my head.I know my subconscious is a little overwhelmed by things going on in my life right now, but it doesn't have to latch on to this book and try to terrorize me. I now feel sick if I pick up the book and have this paralysing sense of anxiety if I try to read any more of the story.So, I am taking a break. I am going to bring it back to the library and maybe some day I'll pick it up again and give it another go. But I think for my sanity I need to just get it out of my house for now.(I am also going to return the other book in my sidebar, Once Upon a Spring Morn, because it just will not hold my attention and I am sick of the writing. I want to read it to have completed that entire little series by the author, but I just can't stomach it right now. Thank goodness my Mini Book Expo book came today or I'd be without a book to read until I can get to the library!)