In My Mailbox #5
Kristi, The Story Siren, started this nifty weekly thing about the books she’s received in her mailbox for that week. I don’t have as much luck with the Book Gods, but every so often I get to play along.I feel sort of lame doing this for just one book, and a book I have already read. But I want to play, too! I like this weekly feature.So this week, from Bookmooch I received: For a Few Demons Moreby Kim Harrison
Despite dating one vampire and living with another, Rachel Morgan has always managed to stay just ahead of trouble . . . until now.Rachel's been lucky so far. But even she can't hide from catastrophe forever.A fiendish serial killer stalks the Hollows, and no one living in or around Cincinnati—human, inhuman, or undead—is safe.An ancient artifact may be the key to stopping the murderer—a mysterious relic that is now in the hands of Rachel Morgan, fearless independent bounty hunter and reckless witch. But revealing it could ignite a battle to the death among the vast and varied local supernatural races.
(Description from is the mass market version to replace the hard cover I originally bought when it first came out and have since given away. Oddly, I never wrote a review for this book like I thought I had! That is very strange, because even on my main blog I had written up the first 4 books. Guess I'll have to rectify that at some point.Also, I rather liked the cover of the HC version better. I liked the black, red and blue colour scheme and this is too silvery-blah for me. But I now have it for my collection and I am happy. Just need the mass version of The Outlaw Demon Wails now and I'm up to date!So it wasn't a very exciting week in books in my mailbox, but that's ok because I ended up buying a ton. *cough*