oh, harry
When the first Harry Potter book came out I was working in a bookstore. I worked in bookstores when people would come in daily to ask if there was any news on when the next book came out. I worked in bookstores when people had no idea how to pronounce Hermione (Her-Me-Own?). I worked in bookstores that held midnight release parties for the new releases in this series (although I never did work a midnight release since I tend to fall over unconscious about 9pm regardless of what my evening plans are.
I have been a part of the World of Potter since its inception and I have enjoyed the ride immensely. I might not have understood why people would want to go out at midnight to order a book, but I loved the atmosphere these release parties created. Costumes, food, friendly fun people, it was something to behold. I think Harry Potter is the closest thing to capturing Disney Magic without actually being a Disney product. Harry Potter is all the fun of Halloween and Christmas all rolled up into one whimsical package.
I have played the video games (though I stopped after 5 because they were way more action-fighting than whimsy) and loved them. My favourite being the first ever released one which was Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I have that game on Nintendo Game Cube and it's one of my favourite video games of all time. The new LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4 is almost as awesome, but it doesn't have the cool Wizard Card collection like HP&CS.
I have seen all the movies and with the exception of being irked by some of the story cutting that had to be done in the later movies due to time, these are the only movies I have found did the books justice. For once Hollywood was smart and cast these movies properly and didn't change the story line (like they do with so many books to movies these days - take Spiderwick and Percy Jackson for example). I think that JK Rowling had a say in how the movies were done and I am so thankful for that. These movies were cast amazingly. All the characters on screen looked as though they were plucked directly from my brain. I think the entire Weasley family is the most brilliant casting ever.
Who knew that back in 2000/2001 when a bunch of 10-11 year old kids were picked from nowhere to star in this movie that 1o years later they would still fit the roles. Who knew that Neville Longbottom (one of my utmost favourite characters) would turn out so bloody hot! (And he was born in 1989, so he's legal and I don't have to feel all creepy about thinking that. Thank goodness!)
I was already an adult when these books came out and I loved them instantly. It makes me feel old when I hear of people who have literally grown up with Harry and his friends. They were 10 when the books came out and are now adults themselves. I know I would have devoured these books when I was 10. I WISH there had been books like this when I was 10.
Over all this time I discovered that I didn't really like Harry himself all that much towards the end of the series, but I could also see why I didn't. Why he'd become the whiny bratty kid he'd become. I suppose it's like a celebrity child growing up in public. The surroundings change them. I have always loved Ron the most and my second was Neville. For the teachers I had a love-hate relationship with Snape (I think Alan Rickman did a fantastic job with the role) and McGonagall always seemed so comforting to me. I wanted to be under her charge.
Next Friday is the Big Day (and no, I don't just mean it's the day of my driving test). Next Friday marks the opening of the final installment in the Harry Potter movie franchise. The world - Potter's world, I mean - comes to a close. Are you going to the movie opening weekend? We're not. As much as I am eager to see the last chapter in the Potter/Voldemort battle I can't stand overcrowded theaters so we'll be going later in the month. But mark my words, we WILL be seeing Harry Potter 7 pt. 2 before the summer is out. Then I will own it on DVD and sometime in the far off future I will sit down and watch a Harry Potter marathon of movies and remember how when I was younger this was such a big deal.
Currently I am re-watching the movies I own and just picked up. I am up to Goblet of Fire. These movies are a lot longer than I remember. Heh.
I will reread the books as well, just not right now. I think I might make that a goal for next summer when I am mourning the loss of having a new movie to watch for the year. One factoid about me that you may not know - despite working in bookstores through this phenomena, I didn't buy the books in Canada. I always picked up the paperback versions in the US because to me they looked much more whimsical and fun. So, yes, they do have changed words from British to American, but I didn't care about that so much. I much preferred the covers and chapter art. ;)
What are your favourite Harry Potter memories?
I ? you Harry Potter series!