Beyond Elsewhere

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oh, so NOW is a good time to worry...

Alrighty... I'll be at the vet tomorrow morning around 10am. Both dogs are pretty sick. Shawn walked Annie and Jinx to the metro tonight to come get me and on the way home both Annie and Jinx were sick. Then Jinx curled up into a tight little ball and wouldn't move. *whimper*When we finally got them home I was on the phone to the vet. Sadly they close at 8pm and both dogs were acting normal again, so I asked if I could come in first thing tomorrow. It's not exactly first thing, but we'll be there. I have just spent the last half hour phoning various managers and friends and family to let them know that I will not be at work tomorrow morning. Maybe all day.Shawn can't take time off work so I'll have to try and walk both dogs the 5 blocks to the vet. Under normal circumstances this wouldn't be such a hard thing, but with the snow and the sick dogs, it's not going to be fun.Sigh. I think I poisioned my dogs. :(