Out of My Pocket #3

Due to my book buying addiction I started  feature on my blog where I post about the book(s) I bought that week. Not something I plan on having every week - though it seems to be turning out that way.  So here's what I bought this week! Dayhunter  : Dark Days Book 2by Jocelynn Drake

At the request of the Coven, Mira finds herself in Venice with Danaus 'for their own protection'. Yet, the home of the nightwalker rulers is anything but safe when Mira discovers that the Coven has made a deal with a splinter faction within the naturi. Mira must deftly maneuver through Coven politics while protecting Danaus from both nightwalkers and the naturi. And before the end, she must find a way to stop the naturi without being stabbed in the back by her own kind. (amazon.ca)

Also there are blurbs by three of my favourite authors for this book - Kim Harrison, Vicki Pettersson and Jeaniene Frost.I liked the first book in the series, Nightwalker, and thanks to last week's In My Mail Box posts I discovered that this one was out (although I can't remember whose blog I was on when I saw it. Sorry!)So I blame this purchase first on Vicki Pettersson, through whom I discovered this author in the first place and on the person who posted about this book last Sunday for their IMM post!Hmm, I discovered Vicki Pettersson because of Kim Harrison when I think about it. Perhaps I can blame this all on her? ;)


In My Mailbox #11


5 Questions: author Michelle Harrison (The 13 Treasures)