Rambling Reader: ARGH!
Ever since last October when I fell into this abyss of a reading rutt I have not really been able to get back into the reading groove. Sure, I read almost 20 books in the month of July, but pretty much my monthly book totals have been abysmal. I have had so many books come out that I have been dying to read, and yet, I just can't get into any of them. It's not because they aren't good - pretty much all of them are! - it's just that... I don't know. I can't focus? All I know is that it's driving me insane.I currently have a bunch of books in various stages of bookmarking. And I've got a varied genre of books in this pile. It's a mix of Urban Fantasy and YA and it's not the type of book that's the problem, because I have no desire to read anything else - though I will admit that having that J.D. Robb book tossed into the mix last week was refreshing. But she's one of my Comfort Food authors, so it's rare that I would take forever to read one of her books.
And err... I just discovered as I was going through my archives to copy and paste photo URLS that one of the books I thought I hadn't finished, I DID finish AND posted a review of! My brain is seriously failing me these days. :(This doesn't even touch the rest of the books I have that I haven't even started yet! Awesome books, too! Like Melissa Marr's Fragile Eternity - which I was so excited about I bought in hardcover!And I keep buying books! It's like I have to have a book I have been waiting for as soon as it hits the shelves... I think I am just desperate now to find a book that will hook me and keep my attention. Something! Anything! I have two books on order at my local store because I am desperate for them - but will I be able to hunker down and read them right away? I haven't a clue.This could all be because of stress over my health right now and stress at work and just the fatigue that is apparently a symptom of my mystery ailment, but I don't know. I mean, it makes sense, but generally when I am this strung out and miserable about things I long to get lost in a book. Right now, I'm happy if I can read more than a chapter of a book at a time.(I have been sticking with Karen Chance's Curse the Dawn this week though. Been reading it when I can't sleep at night because of pain. It's making me laugh and that's something I seriously need right now!)Maybe I am just overwhelmed by the amount of book choice I do have? That could be it, too. Though I look at my TBR bookshelf and think "Nah. Nah. Nah. Hmm, maybe? Nah." when I see my books - books that I lusted after and by authors that I love and want to read more of.Whatever it is, it's bloody frustrating.